anyone NEED ship Graphics

Hey cOMMANDo, send me some of your stuff! I'd love to see your rebel cruiser.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

I'll get right on it. 😄

I'll throw in a few shipyards of some of the others while i'm at it. got about 12 models done


If you need help doing some original EV graphics, just ask. I loved the designs in the first game even more than the ones in the second. If you ask, I should probably do the smaller ships because my texturing skills in POVRay aren't quite up to snuff, and I'm still trying to figure out Infini-D.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

Besides, it'd be great to see it in the new engine (what with the glows and the lights, and the effects...)


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

Sure, I wouldn't mind some help, I'm doing these graphics for a plug being written by a guy named Phil, he posted somewhere up on this string^. He's got a Great story taking place about 10 yrs after the origional EV. So I'm basically doing all the old ships in the retro EV style with a little bit more detail and a technological update (the glows etc...)
I'll try and send some of the finished ones over later today, let you see what kinda style i'm going with, and I can't promise you we'll use what you do, hes "OKing" them as I go, if ya know what i mean, but by all means show me what you can do.
I'll be on vacation for about a week and a half, so after this post, I prolly won't reply till I get back. University is letting out, moving into a new appartment, going to see my cuz, then off to see my woman, then back home for a few days, then I'll get back to work. So yes I'll be driving all over the place.

I guess just email me some of the stuff, and I'll get a hold of phil and let him know that your thinking about helping us out, I'm sure he won't mind. I know I could use the help, I mean you've already helped a lot as it is.


No, Phil wouldn't mind at all. 🙂

"Your death will be the proof that Horus does not lie."
Roger Zelazny, Creatures of Light and Darkness

Do I remember you?

I advertised you! I put your graphic up on my old geocities site (which apparantly after 4 years I guess they have finally taken down).

You should also remember Jericon (mod of the EVN board). Good to see your back though.

If any of you are doubting this artist, don't anymore. He makes some kickass stuff, trust me. I'd full endorse him 😉




Originally posted by Phil Barron:
**No, Phil wouldn't mind at all.:)


Hey Phil, email me. I was thinking I could help on the civ ships. Are you going to keep ATMOS's Kestrel, or are you going to make a new one. Send me an outline or something of your plug so I can get a better idea of what stuff should look like. I'll make some sort of a prelim picture of a Courier to see what you think. I've seen cOMMANDo's stuff, so I at least have something to base my work off of.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."


Originally posted by what_is_the_matrix:
**Hey Phil, email me. I was thinking I could help on the civ ships. Are you going to keep ATMOS's Kestrel, or are you going to make a new one. Send me an outline or something of your plug so I can get a better idea of what stuff should look like. I'll make some sort of a prelim picture of a Courier to see what you think. I've seen cOMMANDo's stuff, so I at least have something to base my work off of.

Great , Matrix - you've been tremendously helpful and I am real glad to have you on board. I'll shoot you an outline sometime tonight after I get off work. I will also try to send the both of you the info on extra ships that the plug will need (I've been promising cOMMANDo that for a couple of weeks now :frown:). I had hoped to use a re-rendered Kestrel rather than ATMOS' version. Funny you should mention the Courier; I was thinking about that ship last night, and how it should have been somewhat larger than it was in EV (like the Luxury Liner). More to come. Thanks!

"Your death will be the proof that Horus does not lie."
Roger Zelazny, Creatures of Light and Darkness

Well, Phil, if you read this before you check your email, I sent you a picture of the courier, rendered similarly to cOMMANDo's stuff. I just read that you wanted to make it larger than it was. I didn't read your post before I made the render, so it looks about the same size, maybe a bit larger. I did, however, add some portholes to give the ship a sense of scale. I also made the aft section look as if it is a separate section from the habitable area, as the desc from the original game described. I also changed the size and shape of the pods and their support pylons. We gotta coordinate through email, because I check my email a whole lot more often than I do the the webboard. Anyway, email me.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

hey commando, send some of your sprites. some that would fit the profile of a ue warship. my email is


Hey Phil. Check your email! I sent you some new graphics.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."