anyone NEED ship Graphics


Originally posted by cOMMANDo:
**then some one said i need to get Nova tools, where the h*ll do i get that? sorry, it's been a while, just need some directing...

Hey, cOMMANDo! You can get all the NovaTools software from the Nova Add-Ons page under 'Utilities,' or by going straight to the wOOtWare site: (url="http://"")

Also at the wOOtWare site are the Nova Bible and ResEdit TMPLs, which you'll find handy. I'll be in touch with you via email tonight or tomorrow night - things are kinda busy here at the moment.

"Your death will be the proof that Horus does not lie."
Roger Zelazny, Creatures of Light and Darkness

thanks 😄



Originally posted by cOMMANDo:
**with the new release of Nova, which i discovered yesterday... I'd be interested in doing some work. N E wayzzz, If you're interested, drop a reply and i'll try and get you some of my latest stuff emailed to you.

Check out this topic, I would really like to see that project turn into something. (url="http://"")http://www.AmbrosiaS...TML/002694.html(/url)



Originally posted by cOMMANDo:

I've already accepted a project working with a guy who plans to do an old EV plug with
the Nova engine. I've already begun work on revamping the Old ev ships, have the confed
cruiser and frigate finished. I'll have to get some web space and put up some of the
shipyards so you guys can see.

Neat. I'm looking forward to seeing it.

Any of you guys remember matt daily? I was wondering if he was still floating around
somewhere? He had some nice stuff.

How could I forget Matt Dailey? He's periodically (sporadically? infrequently?) around under the name of PaleShadow. His site is still chugging away, a bit out of date, at (url="http://"") (check the news and "projects" for EVES stuff).


If you don't mind, I could use some EVN ship graphics, mail me at . Currently I'm just using modified original ships...sigh...

"I knew I shouldn't have messed around with that"

NTiOZYMANDIAS "How about this thing? Give it "banking" frames with the legs in different positions and use running lights for the mono-eye."

Check out the Gundam 0083 Teaser Plug. (url="http://"http://h") , it has the walk cycles and stuff. THE LINK DOESN'T WORK FOR SOME REASON. JUST TYPE THE URL IN YOUR BROWSER WINDOW. Blah.

And cOMMANDo, Pale was the greatest! Damn. I downloaded it when it was new. I think I got stuck or something.... Oh well.


Captain: What happen?
Mechanic: Someone set up us the bomb!
Operator: We get signal.
Captain: What!

(This message has been edited by what_is_the_matrix (edited 04-23-2002).)

(This message has been edited by what_is_the_matrix (edited 04-23-2002).)

(This message has been edited by what_is_the_matrix (edited 04-23-2002).)

I'm with Xenesis. ^_^

What have I done?

Ok. I've edited my first link so that it now goes to a page with a link. I'm hoping that it works...

Captain: What happen?
Mechanic: Someone set up us the bomb!
Operator: We get signal.
Captain: What!

(This message has been edited by what_is_the_matrix (edited 04-23-2002).)

question, So for enging glows and lights, you have to render a set of sprites for each?
origional ship sprites- no lights and no engine glows
engin glow sprites- where the engine glow would be, and thats it
lights sprites- where the lights would be

is that right? and if so, is that it?



Originally posted by cOMMANDo:
**question, So for enging glows and lights, you have to render a set of sprites for each?
origional ship sprites- no lights and no engine glows
engin glow sprites- where the engine glow would be, and thats it
lights sprites- where the lights would be

is that right? and if so, is that it?

That's right. Additionally, you can create "alternating" sprites, which are animations; the default scenario uses them for "gravity block" animations, and what_is_the_matrix used them for the walk cycle on his GP01 Zephyranthes sprite.

Be careful when you're putting the graphics into the plug. There's a really bizarre series of shenanigans you have to go through to convert all the sprites to RLE format; if you don't do it right, the game will crash as soon as you see your ship.

NTi Ozymandias of the Red Shadow Organization

so on the gravity block, render just the rotating block part, and leave that part out on the actual ship info. As well as lights and engine glows, so thats 4 in all. And as far as the RLE stuff goes, i've yet to even atempt that, I'm still complaining about the fact that you have to do 3 renders for one ship... EV was soooo MUCH easier...

and I'm assuming weapon sprites work the same way?

thanks for the input so far, very helpful.



I could use some of your graphics for a new addition plugin that I am working on, and hoping to maybe turn into a TC one day. I you would not mind sending your graphics to my e-mail,, I will be sure to thank you in my plugin. Right now I am stuck modifing the origional ships, and I want to bring in new ships.
Also, I am trying to bring in some graphics from the different shipyards for EV and EVO, but when ever one of these new ships enters the screen, the game crashes and gives me a TYPE 12 ERROR. Any ideas on how to get these ships to work with EVN.

Thank you in advance for the graphics and the help.

Mike Clodfelter (Mike
Be sure to stop at the
wonderful world of Clod 1.

ARGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First of all, buy new accont has suddenly stopped working (Guy*) and second of all, I havent gotten my graphics i asked for yet.

Speaking as a graphic "artist" (since I'm not as good as cOMMANDo), I can say that making graphics is not a "snap and it's done" process. There's modeling, texturing, lighting, etc, and of course rendering that needs to be done. Don't be impatient, Guy. I'm sure that if cOMMANDo's helping you, he's working as fast as he can (you can't blame him, he is getting request after request for graphics. I'd have asked him myself, but I didn't want to put any extra pressure on him). I mean, a "good" ship graphic might take several days or more to put out, so don't rush him.

Captain: What happen?
Mechanic: Someone set up us the bomb!
Operator: We get signal.
Captain: What!

Vaderrr, first of all, make sure that you're using shans for your ships and NOT spins. Also, try using Dr. Ralph's EnRLE to put your pics into rle8/rleDs. They're a lot better, and aren't as memory intensive (when in ResEdit, and probably Nova as well) as pics.


Captain: What happen?
Mechanic: Someone set up us the bomb!
Operator: We get signal.
Captain: What!

thanks for the info!
more questions... 😄
for the lights and engine sprites, do you need to make a mask for them too? and how the H*ll do you open up the sprite graphic files for Nova ships? I have Nova tools, and that RLE converter dealie, I just can't find the frecken things... sorry for the questions, but I need help. thanks


According to people much smarter than me (like, in this case, Gul Banana):


The ship graphics are not PICTs, but Rle8s and RleDs. Their sprite resources are shäns, and all of these can be found in the Nova Ships files. (slightly edited)

So you can get to the sprites through the shän resources. You should check out StarStrafer's comments in this topic: (url="http://"")http://www.AmbrosiaS...TML/002663.html(/url)

As for your lights and glow question...I dunno! Maybe someone smart will come along now to help us out...

"Your death will be the proof that Horus does not lie."
Roger Zelazny, Creatures of Light and Darkness


Originally posted by what_is_the_matrix:
**Speaking as a graphic "artist" (since I'm not as good as cOMMANDo), I can say that making graphics is not a "snap and it's done" process. There's modeling, texturing, lighting, etc, and of course rendering that needs to be done. Don't be impatient, Guy. I'm sure that if cOMMANDo's helping you, he's working as fast as he can (you can't blame him, he is getting request after request for graphics. I'd have asked him myself, but I didn't want to put any extra pressure on him). I mean, a "good" ship graphic might take several days or more to put out, so don't rush him.

Whoops, sorry Commando. I was under the impression that you already had them done and you were just ready to e-mail them to anyone who wanted them. my bad! :redface:

Uh. Yea, the shans are kinda like the spins of days of yore. while spins still exist, they are considered to primative and simple for the ships, so that's why the shans were created. They contain the same information as spins, as well as info for the glows, etc. gun/turret/beam locations and how the sprites animate. Shans can use pict resources, rle8 (8 bit render), and/or (I'm not sure which) rleD (16 bit render). Generally, people like using the rles because they're more reliable than picts. However, after you get NovaTools, EnRLEDeRLE, and Sprites from (url="http://"")http://homepage.mac....alph/index.html(/url) , you're pretty much set. You start with making a shan with picts (setting base and mask, and everything else), and then you use EnRLE to make it into a rle shan. You can then just paste them into your plug.

Captain: What happen?
Mechanic: Someone set up us the bomb!
Operator: We get signal.
Captain: What!

I forgot to mention that you need a mask for everything, even glows, and lights. The shan resource has spots for base pict/mask, alternate (animated) pict/mask, glow pict/mask, light pict/mask, weapon pict/mask (that's for adding a picture of a weapon when you buy it), and shield glow pict/mask. NovaTools makes the process of making shans really easy. For examples, just look in practically any of the Nova Ships files.

Captain: What happen?
Mechanic: Someone set up us the bomb!
Operator: We get signal.
Captain: What!