Battering Ram

I am making a battering ram. I thinking a beam weapon that has a range of zero and is black. I have two questions: a) can damage or other statistic be linked to ship mass? and 🆒 is there a way to make the weapon activate whenever the ship is touched?
thanks. give any suggestions you have, please.

The world is your
oyster, Because that's
all the world is.

Hmmm.... I think you could make a type of point defence that fires at only point blank. You can't make damage mass linked, but you could make several weapons that did various amounts of damage, and link them certain shized ships. You could make a weapon with no range, and large prox radious, I think that would work.

I am ME hear me roar!

I remember seeing something like this in the EVO plug "Frozen Heart." Martin Turner (that was his name, right?) made a weapon that fired a really short distance. Point Defence would probably have the same effect. What's important is that it not have range, low prox radius, and probably a blast radius of some sort. Recoil would simulate "hitting" the enemy ship, and having your weapon deal damage to yourself would make it as if you took damage from the physical contact between your and their ship. I like the idea, go for it!


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