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I need to know how to make a plug-in on my own, how do i get NovaTools to install into res-edit. Where do i begin if i want to design my own ships? Please Help. I think i can make some great plug-ins given the time and understanding that you all have.
------------------ The reasonable man adapts himself to the world, The unreasonable man persists upon adapts the world to himself... Therefore, all progress is dependent upon the unreasonable man.
Ok first off welcome. Now to install novatools you need to find Resedit Prefs in the "Hard disk:system folder :preferences" then when its open at the same time open "Novatools" with Resedit also. After that just copy all the files in Novatools into the resedit Prefs and save the Prefs. When that is all done, when u open a plug for EV-N it should show a little Puzzle piece for an icon of the directory instead of something else, when you double click on it it will open into a list of items double click on that and it will open a template that will allow for easy changes and creation of new Outfits, weapons, and even ships. (Remember after editing the Prefs, Restart Resedit so the changes take place)
Now about ships you need a another tool from Wootwares that encodes sprite(old EV format) into the new format that Nova understands. But in order to do that you need a 3D model program that will make nice and professional looking ships. When that all done you export as a movie that is in .pics format that is a like a .gif but a little different. then use Photoshop to apply textures, and then find another tool that is Pics2Sprite that will convert it into the Sprite format. At this time you need to make a "Mask" that is just an outline of the ship and everything that is not part of the ship should be colored black. then just run the encoding program from Wootwarez and add a Shan(ship spining) or a spin(misc spin). After all this all you have to do is make a picture for your ship and a discription, and give it the Stats you want load it into your game and find the place where you can buy it.
For a better Explantion(Mine is just a really rough outline, do a Search in the boards for "Ship building"
Also for all the programs I talked about from wootwarez an others can be found at (url="http://"")Here(/url) under "Utilities"
Thanks for the help. I got as far as copying and pasting the nova tools thingy's into Res-Edit but the program ran out of memory half-way thru. I gave it more memory then went back to open the pref file and continue where i left off but i keep getting error messages saying that the program that created it could not be found. I tried trashing everything and redoing it all after re-un-stuffing everything but i still get the same error message with the new preference file. What do i do?
Originally posted by FlyingRoacher: Hard disk:system folder:p references
You can disable smilies you know...
Cerberus3780: What system are you using? Some are more buggy with NovaTools than others.
------------------ "What goes up must come down, unless it reaches Escape Velocity and flies off to Palshife to join the Rebellion." (url="http://";=TheChallenge101.sea.bin")The Challenge(/url): A deadly test of skill and power (new version 1.0.2 coming soon) (url="http://"")The Haiku Archive(/url): Collected Works of the Rabid Haiku Generator
9.2 and above have been shown to have problems with NovaTools
------------------ "Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."
haven't upgraded to 9.2 yet, i have the latest osX though. How do i get rid of the error message so i can get res-edit up and running with the novatools installed?
Try copying and pasting only a few resources into the ResEdit Preferences at a time, this may help with the memory problem.
Also, you should be working on a copy of the Preferences file. Yeah, it doesn't matter with such a small file like the Preferences (which can very easily be recreated by simply opening the program again), but it's a good habit to get into when working with ResEdit.
------------------ (url="http://"")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"")
ResEdit doesn't work on OS X. You should use Classic, somehow or other.
As for installing NovaTools and getting all the other tools, you should download my (url="http://"")plug-in development guide(/url), which, if nothing else, will give you links to nearly all the EVN development tools that are available. It is unfinished, and only goes up to weapons.
As for making a ship, you will first need a 3D modeler. Strata 3D is good for it's price (free), if you can find the old version the Base version isn't as good as the old 3D version. Mechanisto is also free, if you like it; and as for the proffesional modelers, Cinema 4D (about $1,000, or $300 on a student discount), Lightwave, and Maya are the best. Meshworks works entirely with vertices, so it's simple and not a great renderer, and takes a lot of patience, but you can make anything with it. (I'd recommend something else used in conjunction with Meshworks, say, Strata 3D, so you can use Meshworks for modeling and something else for texturing and rendering.) Once you have a modeler, you need to mdel your ship and animate it spinning around (The full animation should be 36 frames per spin, although it can be whatever you want). It should spin around once, and, if you want it to have banking sprites, i should spin around twice again (one spin per banking anim), banking the last two times. The rest, such as engine glow or running lights, should spin around as many times as the base ship does, but should only include the glow or light, not the ship. Once you're done with the animations, make a Quicktime movie for each animation, then open each movie in the m2s droplet (included in w00tware's "Sprites" tool) to make mask and ship sprite PICT files.You should then run the PICT files through theEnRLE droplet (also by w00tware) to make rleD and rle8 resources. You now have your sprites. From here, it gets easier; make a new shan resource with an ID of 406 or higher and enter in the correct information (see the Nova Bible for details). Then make a ship resource and enter in its information. Last of all, you'll need a description and some pictures for the ship. Go back to your ship's model and take three pictures of it: a shipyard pic (200x200), a target pic (128x64; use Nova Target Generator to make your graphic look like Nova's scanline-style graphics) and a ship info pic (600x400; just take a picture of the ship doing something cool). Put them in your resource file as PICT resources. Next, make a desc with the appropriate ID and type in a description for your ship. In the "Graphic" field, type in the ID number of your ship info pic. Save your resource file, make it into a plug-in file, and you're done.
This is a quick overview, and some details have been left out.
------------------ The only sovereign we can allow to rule us is reason Wizard's Sixth Rule, Faith of the Fallen. Cafall
I personally prefer POV, slightly better graphics quality (IMHO) once you know how to use it. Plus the Jjaro ships would have taken months each in anything else.
------------------ "In literature as in love we are astounded by what is chosen by others." Andre Maurois
wow. By your topic title I thought you were dying or something.
If you have OSX, then you are running 9.2 in Classic (if you don't beleive me, watch Classic start up). Many problems. I can't even get NT to work at all, and now the ResEdit prefs have corrupted. (many people get it to work however.)
------------------ Adventure Dog: Everyone's favorite little black and white dog. In a fight for peace, you must fight for equality, not revenge.
Well, that's it, i figured out how to get the damn pref's loaded in right and i got res-edit working the way i need it to be working. Now all i need is something to start making my ships that i've designed. any suggestions? And no i'm not dying by the way.
Originally posted by Cerberus3780: **And no i'm not dying by the way.
for ships? Like a 3D program (get Strata or Mechanisto free if you need one) or a way to put the ships you've already made into the plug?
It did have a flavour of "Help me, EVN developers! You're my only hope!", didn't it? I use Strata 3D 3.0.2 myself, I'm hanging out for the free version of Lightwave...
------------------ "Insert witty quote here." - Thomas Castiglione
Thanks, i've begun using strata but i'm not sure how to get from the 3D ship to the 36 frame set i need to create a proper EV ship... help me there.
Yeah the title did have that tone to it... then again, it got your attention didn't it?
Make an animation of the ship turning around in 36 (or however many you want) frames, and render it.
You make it sound so easy, i'll give it a whirl (literally). I need to find some more textures and shapes and things for Strata. Do you know of some sites that may be of some use?
(url="http://"") has some, although not an infinite quantity
Originally posted by Fleet Admiral Darkk: (B)I personally prefer POV,/B)
POVRay rules! I just wish i were better at texturing. Just don't do it enough.
Originally posted by Cerberus3780: **Thanks, i've begun using strata but i'm not sure how to get from the 3D ship to the 36 frame set i need to create a proper EV ship... help me there.
Dude, didn't you make a forum for that question? Read my answer there.
Thanks for the help so far guys, i do need to know how to get from what i have... a ship in 3D to the ships in EVO, i have strata 3D base because i couldn't find a working site to download better, i've gotten pretty good with the basic tools it has but can't use the other tools due to the shareware limitations, i'll post a pic of the ship i have so far, need help adding textures, don't have photoshop, (yet), so is there one i can download for free, damn how do i add pics to this thing. Oh well. Hmmmm. What else. OOh. I had an idea. It's possible to animate stellars right. So why doesn't someone take the time to animate the planets and stations of EVN? Should look pretty cool with some neat station graphics. Well, just let me know what to do next and how to add a pic of my ship to this webboard and i'll show you what i got