Difference between dude and pers resorces...

I have been trying to add a new ship so that it works for my plug, but I'm a little confused about the difference between the dude and pers resources. After reading the EV Bible a few times, I still don't know the difference between them. I am wondering how are the two linked? And what if you want a ship to only appear during a mission? Does it require a pers resource number? Anyone care to clarify this?


A düde is a ship or set of ships that can be used in special places, for example in missions, or that can just appear randomly in systems. A përs is an NPC (non-player-character) that has a chance of replacing normal ships. The normal chance is 5%, but you can also make certain përses be tied to certain systems - I'm not quite sure of the intricacies of that. Also worth noting is that përses can offer you missions, but cannot be part of a mission (unlike düdes) unless they were the offerer.

"A taco is merely a rigid, deformed tortilla."
- Thomas Castiglione
"There will be MUCH CRUSHING!"
- Pink

While on the topic of përs and düdes, i seem to have forgotten how to put përs's in a fleet or düde... Negative përs resource or something?

Prepare to be disabled and boarded!
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what is the difference between a dude and a fleet? that's what i've wondered for some time...

chill 😉


a düde is one ship.
a flët is many ships.


There is a place, where these creatures of phenominal power exist. I went their once, and walked as they did, and studied them. Only then did I understand why we act as we do. - From the, "Guidebook to Humans", Antigan Military pamphlet

Hmmm...well, I'm going to start working on my plug for the day and I'll see if I can run a few experiments in order to get better picture of how all of that stuff works. What I want to know is why separate the two? I guess for flexibility, but it adds to the confusion of which one does what.



Originally posted by SpacePirate:
**While on the topic of përs and düdes, i seem to have forgotten how to put përs's in a fleet or düde... Negative përs resource or something?


I believe your thinking of the s˙st resource where you can use a -ID for a fleet instead of a Düde

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I have been working on this for a couple days now with no real success. I am trying to have a ship only appear during a certain time and the player will need to board it. Unfortunately, in the misn resource it only accepts dude resources IDs. So the pers I made can't be accessed unless there is something special that needs to be done to convert a dude resource to a pers resource. Anyone figure this out?



Originally posted by Darkness:
I have been working on this for a couple days now with no real success. I am trying to have a ship only appear during a certain time and the player will need to board it. Unfortunately, in the misn resource it only accepts dude resources IDs. So the pers I made can't be accessed unless there is something special that needs to be done to convert a dude resource to a pers resource. Anyone figure this out?

Use a düde. The düde can contain a special ship (you will have to make a new shďp/shän though), that has the attributes you wish. You can also use mďsns to activate certain ncbs that will allow a përs to appear in a certain system (edit the s˙st so the përs will be contained, then have the përs require certain bits). The përs will not relate to the mission directly, but if you want it to appear like a normal përs you can do that. If it requires mission relation, then it will have to be a düde.

"What goes up must come down, unless it reaches Escape Velocity and flies off to Palshife to join the Rebellion."
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(url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/mrxak/Haikus/haikus.html")The Haiku Archive(/url): Collected Works of the Rabid Haiku Generator

Thanks. I'm going to give it a try today at some point. I just think the current way of doing this is kind of crazy. Why use a dude when a pers will work better for missions that only have one ship? There should be an option to use either a dude or pers when desigining missions.


Okay, I tried doing a mission that uses a dude resource, but the thing is I can't get the right ship to show up. I decided to go and look at a few examples that Atmos did (specifically the mission where the player has to destory the derelict for Barry) and it points to a dude resource that doesn't have any derelict ships in it. So the question is, what did they do in order to get the right ship to show up everytime? If any of the Atmos guys would care to provide a bit more information on this I would greatly appreciate it.



The ship which you kill for Barry is probably disabled because it is a member of the Derelict government. Check that out.

Derelict ships always start disabled and other governments do not punish you for destroying them.


Okay, that was a good suggestion. I checked the file, but it points to a dude that is used by the Auroran Empire and the government is Auroran. I find that strange. So what I wanted to know is exactly what does that mission points to, because according to the misn resource it points to something else.

I don't know.
