An ever-expanding universe

I am running into a slight problem in my EVO plug-in, namely this: I cannot support the universe and everything in it in one file.

I use EVO devmap for my system editing, and all I have in my one file is the syst, spob, govt, dude, desc, nebu, spin and associated PICT resources for the universe itself (no ships, missions, flets or anything else - they're in a separate file). Graphics for ships and other items are in a third file. My problem is that ResEdit won't allow me to put any more resources in one file (hence the three files), yet I need that number of resources in the same file if I'm to edit the universe effectively. As I start adding in more descs for planets, the file can't handle it. Is there any possible way to get devmap to read out of two files, or will I have to shrink my universe (currently 310 systs and 347 spobs)?

Gage Stryker,
Purveyor of missing links.
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It's coming - (url="http://"")Visible Menace for EVO!(/url) Current as of 03/21/02 | | v 0.2.7 | | 12.5 MB | | 42% to Beta

What exactly is your problem. ResEdit does allow you to have more than one file open at once. All you need to do is open all those files at once and viola! You have all your resources at your disposal.

Oh. Are you working in a resedit document, or are you editing a plugin file? By "editing a plugin file," I mean did you take a plug to start out with, and then start replacing its resources with your own? I don't know, but that make a difference.

Other than that, I'm not sure if I could help you. I've never had a project with that large a scope before (before now, that is).


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

Working in ResEdit itself is no problem, I can have multiple windows open to my heart's content. However, using EVO devmap (yes, it's an EVO pulg), requires me to open a single file. My problem is that just the resources pertaining to the universe are larger than can fit in a single file. I either need to take some of the resources into a new file and only edit bits and pieces of the universe (really annoying), or I need to find a way to get devmap to open two files at once, or a way to conbine more than the limit of resources in a single file.

Gage Stryker,
Purveyor of missing links.
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It's coming - (url="http://"")Visible Menace for EVO!(/url) Current as of 03/21/02 | | v 0.2.7 | | 12.5 MB | | 42% to Beta

If I remember correctly, you can add aliases of files to a support folder in EVO Devmap. That way, it will add all those resources in when editing the system.

By this, I mean that, I know you have to place aliases to the EVO data files in an EVO Devmap folder; I think there is another folder for extra resources. Place the aliases to your plugins in that.

I apologize if this doesn't make much sense. I'm not on my computer with EVO Devmap right now, so I'm posting this purely from memory.


(This message has been edited by Mahayana (edited 05-02-2002).)

Alright, I just fired up my developer's Mac 🙂 and checked...

Navigate to your EVO Developer's Map directory. In it, there are two folders: Data Files and Extra Data. The aliases to the EVO data files go in Data Files (duh). I think if you place aliases to all your plugin files in "Extra Data," all the resources should show up in EVO Devmap and be available for editing.

Hope this solves your problem.


Thanks! Helps a million.

Gage Stryker,
Purveyor of missing links.
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It's coming - (url="http://"")Visible Menace for EVO!(/url) Current as of 03/21/02 | | v 0.2.7 | | 12.5 MB | | 42% to Beta