Question regarding Infini-D

So I have a basic cylinder open inside the modeller, but I want some extra cross sections added. Question is simple: How did I add additional cross sections? I can't even find the answer in the manual...

Any help would be appreciated. Live long and prosper. 😉

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"Everything we know tells us that machines are structures intelligence designs, and that accidents destroy. Therefore, accidents do not design machines. Intellect does. And the myriad of biological wonders that sprinkle our world testify to the design ingenuity of a Supreme Intellect." -Robert Gange, Origins of Destiny

I think when you want to create objects like what you want to do is to first of all pick out the shapes in the menu items that best fit the closeness to it. If you want to add additional cross sections, you have to pick out a shape that has already more than one like a banana, because these shapes will let you add additional cross sections. Maybe you can start with the banana first. It has at least 5 I think.

I don't know anything about infini-d, but is there a bevel polygon feature? If so, just keep bevelling out the end of the cylinder.


Originally posted by Coraxus:
I think when you want to create objects like what you want to do is to first of all pick out the shapes in the menu items that best fit the closeness to it. If you want to add additional cross sections, you have to pick out a shape that has already more than one like a banana, because these shapes will let you add additional cross sections. Maybe you can start with the banana first. It has at least 5 I think.

That's how I've done things in the past, but the Infini-D guide says you can add cross sections. It just doesn't explain how.

...and the banana has three cross sections, or so it seems...

--edit-- Penguin, Infini-D does allow bevelling, but it's very limited to the extent of how far you can go with it. --/edit--

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"Everything we know tells us that machines are structures intelligence designs, and that accidents destroy. Therefore, accidents do not design machines. Intellect does. And the myriad of biological wonders that sprinkle our world testify to the design ingenuity of a Supreme Intellect." -Robert Gange, Origins of Destiny

(This message has been edited by Captain Skyblade (edited 04-22-2002).)

what shape are you trying to make? just a cylinder shape or more of a tube (curved?) i'd agree with the banana ^ stuff though, prolly what i'd do... Infact i used the banana to make a Bee, yeah, a banana! turned out pretty good too.



Originally posted by cOMMANDo:
**what shape are you trying to make? just a cylinder shape or more of a tube (curved?) i'd agree with the banana ^ stuff though, prolly what i'd do... Infact i used the banana to make a Bee, yeah, a banana! turned out pretty good too.


Well, I'm thinking of shapes such as a smooth, advanced aircraft wing. I need to add additional cross sections in order to do so. How to add cross sections... that is the question. 😉

Thanks for the feedback so far.

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"Everything we know tells us that machines are structures intelligence designs, and that accidents destroy. Therefore, accidents do not design machines. Intellect does. And the myriad of biological wonders that sprinkle our world testify to the design ingenuity of a Supreme Intellect." -Robert Gange, Origins of Destiny

OK, this is gonna be kind of difficult for me since I'm not on my mac right now but here goes. I'm probably wrong too, since i have no manual or anything and learned all I know about infini-d by messing around with it (and getting advice on the webboards :)).

OK, when you have points selected in the workshop, change them from plain to smooth/curve/corner/ whatever shape you want. You can edit the curveyness by dragging the little arrows. if you want more 'cross sections' (lines?) i'd suggest deleting the whole thing and starting from scratch, so you can put in the exact amount of lines you want.

To make an aircraft wing-ish thing, if you aren't really worried about the actual physics and just want something that looks good, I'd suggest setting the points to Mirror 2 ways or mirror none, which means that you can make it one shape, angle, etc. on one side and a different one on the other by simply dragging the points on the other side.


"And then god did come up from heaven and said, 'Do my bidding, you pitiful, powerless, weak humans! Go and spread my li... er, I mean truth, throughout the world!' And then he did laugh most evilly, and the planet of Mososuis did split in half, with one half becoming the moon, and the other half, bearing all its inhabitants, did fly into the sun. Yes." -from the Book of Relics, planet Rikka
Ever wonder if illiterate people get the full effect of alphabet soup?

Sigh. There's so much I could explain, and it would be so difficult to do over the internet.

(Yes, I was referred from your other post, Cpt. Sky.)

To add a cross-section, basic method:

When in the edit object mode/area/whatever:
- If it's not already, activate the path, either from the menu option or just hit command-P. A pink line in the middle of the object should appear in front, side, etc. views.
- From the little pull-down menus at the top of the view windows, go to Show, enable <Cross Section Marker> (there should be a check mark next to it in the end)
- Move the square marker to where you want to insert a new cross section.
- Select <Insert Cross Section> from the Options menu (also in the window)
- Edit away to your heart's content, but beware of any possible weirdness introduced by making the cross section (that happens sometimes, where the new cross section is for some reason horribly deformed and there's not much you can do about it but change it manually :frown:).

I hope that was helpful...


Thanks you guys... I'll keep that info safe. 😉

By the way Weep, I did get one of those deformed cross sections the other day. Couldn't find out what on earth was wrong... Deleting it and redoing it worked however.

Live long and prosper.

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