More EVNetHack goodness (NetHack, not NetWorked. Also, Piccies)

Alright, now, the idea for this came from Ishmael Disabler in the EVN Engine contest. Basically, the universe is to be randomly determined for each pilot (though in this lies the trick), ala the original dungeon crawl, NetHack. I am currently coming up with concepts specific enough to be interesting, but broad enough so that they can exist, reasonably, in a Universe whose layout is variable.

More specific ideas center basically on the map creation engine, which would have to have set parameters for making the map so things can still make sense and not be the same way twice. For example, two small governments, analogous to Lethe and Cydonia in EV, are constanly at each others throats, yet this would make no sense were they on the far sides of the universe. Parameters would have to be set so that these two systems would not be far from each other.

This game will also include a huge number of governments, because that is only way I can think of of having an entire Universe be at once forbidden at best and hostile at worst and yet not have them all get friendly with you the moment you help one out.

Now the pictoors. (Note: for sake of Bandwidth and annoyance, I've decided merely to show the one I drew best. Blarg)

Yo yo yo, it's one of the ships you can start out with. Isn't it great?
Posted Image

And just in case you need da links:

(url="http://"")The Question Mark(/url)

(url="http://"")The League Ripoffs(/url)

(url="http://"")And It's Your's!(/url)

Fnaaaaahhhh... Have fun. Feel free to tear this post apart.

(ReReReEdit: BLARG!!)

"High explosives are applicable where truth and logic fail."
"Get thee down. Be thou funky."

(This message has been edited by Dei'nar'Ys (edited 04-20-2002).)

(This message has been edited by Dei'nar'Ys (edited 04-20-2002).)

(This message has been edited by Dei'nar'Ys (edited 04-20-2002).)

(This message has been edited by Dei'nar'Ys (edited 04-20-2002).)

(This message has been edited by Dei'nar'Ys (edited 04-20-2002).)

(url="http://"")Click "edit" to see how I did this(/url)


(This message has been edited by Aubrey (edited 04-20-2002).)

(This message has been edited by Aubrey (edited 04-20-2002).)

Have I missed something, maybe?


Lequis Design

Lequis, i just showed him how to make links and pics on the board.

That is a great pic Dei'nar'Ys. I think it perfectly represents a tech 1 ship.


NetHack is a great game.


I mentioned this to my NetHack Ascended friend...and he went
"That is one of the most hare brained ideas I have heard of in a while"
"'The Vell-os dart hits you'"
"'You Die'"


Woah! The starting ship has shields?

(Insert Signature Here)


I mentioned this to my NetHack Ascended friend...and he went
"That is one of the most hare brained ideas I have heard of in a while"
"'The Vell-os dart hits you'"
"'You Die'"

Nethacked EVN, not EVNed Nethack, dude.

If at first you don't succeed, use more duct tape.