PICT ID for oütf

How do you change the specified PICT ID for an oütf?

And, how do you link a dësc with a new oütf?

So far, my new outfit shows up in the shop, but with no PICT and no description. I added a PICT and a dësc, but... they don't show up in the game.

Thanks in advance,

: : : :::=philter=::: : : :

The PICT and dësc are linked to the oütf by their resource IDs. The PICT resource ID must be the oütf resource ID, minus 128, plus 6000. The dësc resource ID must be the oütf resource ID, minus 128, plus 3000.

David Arthur
(url="http://"http://davidarthur.evula.net/")davidarthur.evula.net(/url): MissionComputer and the Talon plug-in for the original Escape Velocity
(url="http://"http://www.ev-nova.net/")EV-Nova.net(/url): The Time Has Come For You To Visit.