Trouble with the pers resource in Nova

I'm currently making a fun plugin, and I need to make a few new people appear. The problem I'm having is that the new pers I create doesn't appear in the systems I tell them to, even with an 100% chance. However, I can make other pers that are built into the game appear easily (Ie. Zero wing, and the atmos people). So does anyone know what my problem is?


You need to start a new pilot. Any pers resources not in the game when the pilot is formed are marked 'dead' and will not be loaded.
Start a new pilot with the plugin loaded and you'll be set.


There is a place, where these creatures of phenominal power exist. I went their once, and walked as they did, and studied them. Only then did I understand why we act as we do. - From the, "Guidebook to Humans", Antigan Military pamphlet

Ah crap. You're sure there's no way around this? My plugin was going to take place after the player completed a storyline, but it depended on creating new përs to do it properly....

"Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines."


Ah crap. You're sure there's no way around this? My plugin was going to take place after the player completed a storyline, but it depended on creating new përs to do it properly....

The player would have to create their pilot with the plugin loaded. There's a very clever way around this:
Have your përs replace one of the unrequired përs resources in the Nova data files.
As long as the player never killed that përs in the game, they'll be marked as alive and the player can meet them.

Good luck!


There is a place, where these creatures of phenominal power exist. I went their once, and walked as they did, and studied them. Only then did I understand why we act as we do. - From the, "Guidebook to Humans", Antigan Military pamphlet

Interesting... so theoretically, I could have my new përs's replace the invincible ATMOS/Ambrosia guys like Matt, and they would load correctly and I wouldn't have to worry about them being "dead" from the start... Thanks a lot.

"Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines."

yo Xenesis!

What have I done?

Ah, ok. So If I start a new pilot, my new dude will appear there. Also, being a newbie at plug making, is there a way to make a specific person appear for a mission?

Ps. hi Ransom =P


I believe you could do that by editing the boxes to do with mďsn, the AvailBits, and probably some stuff in the mďsn resource. I wouldn't know the specifics, though.

For the plug, though, why don't you just make them appear 100% of the time in the new s˙st, like in S7evyn?

What have I done?

I'll see. The missions are going to come AFTER I get the system to work properly. Shudders at the thought of misn bits

"I knew I shouldn't have messed around with that"

Not dude, düdes can be used without creating a new pilot. Speaking of the umlautted buggers, you can simulate a përs with them if you don't need any special features of that resource type; see Hune (from the Rimertan string) for an example, and they're easy enough to put in a mission...

"A taco is merely a rigid, deformed tortilla."
- Thomas Castiglione
"There will be MUCH CRUSHING!"
- Pink