Smoke trails and other EVO stuff...

While eorking on my plug-in and doing some editing on the weapons, I was wondering if anyone out there has some smoke trail cicn's avaliable, somthing a little bit more diverse than the two that are included with EVO. Perhaps a glowing trail or something, or a different effect. I'm sure they could be modeled quite easily with some good 3D software, I just don't really have the time to fiddle with Mechanisto's animations to get a desirable result. I also have no idea how I could optimize them into a cicn resource. According to the bible, they can be any size, but smaller is better for game speed.

On a related note, I am wondering if anyone has had any success designing decent mines for use. Right now I am working on an idea of a mine that slowly tracks towards the target ship and detonates when it gets close. Obviously, this could only be really used successfully on capital ships. A couple of ideas I'm toying with
a) launch them from a little distance, then turn around and draw the capital ship into them
🆒 kamikaze fighters, little fighters with nothing much but fast engines, hardly any shield and armour, and only 1 weapon - 1 mine. Scream in at high velocity, drop the mine, and die in the resulting explosion - would work well for a fanatical warrior race I'm designing.

Thoughts always appreciated!

Gage Stryker
It's coming - Visible Menace for EVO! Current as of 02/26/02 | | v 0.2.1 | | 9.0 MB | | 32% to Beta


Originally posted by Gage_Stryker:
🆒kamikaze fighters, little fighters with nothing much but fast engines, hardly any shield and armour, and only 1 weapon - 1 mine. Scream in at high velocity, drop the mine, and die in the resulting explosion - would work well for a fanatical warrior race I'm designing.

AI ships don't use mines - I tried myself. What you could do is make a 'mine' by setting a freeflight rocket's top speed to zero. If launched, the thing will decelerate and then stop and until it counts out, it will be sitting there and waiting for any ship to come by.

Eat, sleep, eat, sleep

Stryker, down load the new plug-in The Cygnus Alliance, it has some cool mines in it that do what you descibed in your post.

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Originally posted by rebel council:
**Stryker, down load the new plug-in The Cygnus Alliance, it has some cool mines in it that do what you descibed in your post.


I can't believe I helped beta test that plug and never used the seeker mines... duh... (Oh yeah! It was because of a glitch. Phew. Now I can stop berating myself)

Thanks, reb.

Gage Stryker
It's coming - Visible Menace for EVO! Current as of 02/26/02 | | v 0.2.1 | | 9.0 MB | | 32% to Beta

Guess what, I just recently made a truly succesful plug in which gives you a launch bay that deploys kamikaze fighters. If you want more detail about it, then go to the forum "Unregistered and have a questions? Post here." and go to the last page near the bottom, you'll find my technical descriptions.

If you want the kamikaze plug-in, let me know at


Bumper Sticker: You can look this good too, if you don't mind a lil' eating disorder.

The Seeker Mines for EV:Cygnus Alliance were one of the best weapons for destoying capital ships. I'm suprised you never tried them.

Now, IIRC, the AI will not allow any computer controled ship to use a weapon that does no damage (IE, tractor/repulsor beam), any default outfits (IE, cloaking device), or weapons thatdestroy itself (IE, bomb that self destructs the ship). This would make the Kamikaze Fighters hard to make due to that rule.

(BTW, the reason why I show as unregistered is because of the webboard e-mail glitch)


Originally posted by Captain Z (no account):
**The Seeker Mines for EV:Cygnus Alliance were one of the best weapons for destoying capital ships. I'm suprised you never tried them.

Now, IIRC, the AI will not allow any computer controled ship to use a weapon that .............. destroy itself (IE, bomb that self destructs the ship). This would make the Kamikaze Fighters hard to make due to that rule.

(BTW, the reason why I show as unregistered is because of the webboard e-mail glitch)**

The Kamikaze drone fighter bay I created was for EVO, and it does work. Now EV on the other hand, I havent made a plug-in for that and I wouldn't know if it would work. Besides I did try the Cygnus Alliance plug-in and I have to say that its cool. As for the mine seeker, the design of a weapon isn't like the Kamikaze drone I made. (If that's what you're talking about). Like I said before, my Kamikaze drones you can launch and control like any other fighter escorts. Hell you can even communicate with them if you want.

If there was already a weapon like that before me, fine, I don't have a problem. But it's not like I was stealing credits for that idea or anything, it's just that I haven't encoutered any plug-ins that does that. If there really is no plug in that exist, then I guess I'd be the first to make one I guess.