Help with spob flags and misc

I have been able to figure everything out on my own for the most part. Yes, its shocking. But I am stuck. I don't understand on how to implement the planet and or stations flags. Like if it has trade, a bar etc. And another thing. How do you get the bar desc to work for your spob? I looked at the desc resource and it seems it starts at 10000. But I don't know how you get it to correspond with your own spob. That pretty much sums it up.

P.S. I am bringing a old plug back to life. Its for fighting various ships or groups of ships to test you skills and get payed for it.(not alot). And I'm making it somewhat complex. If you have any suggestions on what you would like to see in a plug like this. Do tell

" Come up, O lions, and shake off the delusion that you are sheep. You are souls immortal, spirits free, blessed and eternal "
-Swami Vivekananda

"Arena", by Jason Meltzer?


"Oh crap. I'm going to hell - I put the Bible next to Mein Kampf again."
-Her Holiness, Pope Jenne "Kirby" Hubbs


Originally posted by Regulus:
**"Arena", by Jason Meltzer?



Yes, Yes, I believe thats it

" Come up, O lions, and shake off the delusion that you are sheep. You are souls immortal, spirits free, blessed and eternal "
-Swami Vivekananda

(This message has been edited by MacGP (edited 04-10-2002).)


Originally posted by MacGP:
**I have been able to figure everything out on my own for the most part. Yes, its shocking. But I am stuck. I don't understand on how to implement the planet and or stations flags. Like if it has trade, a bar etc. And another thing. How do you get the bar desc to work for your spob? I looked at the desc resource and it seems it starts at 10000. But I don't know how you get it to correspond with your own spob. That pretty much sums it up.


Okay, for your first question. The flags are hexadecimal numbers, and you have to add stuff up. I'll give you an example that's scaled down a bit; I'm sure you'll be able to adapt the concept to the larger flag field associated with spobs.

You go to McDonald's, and you have to program flags so that you can order through ResEdit. Here's what the Mickey D's ResEdit Bible says:

0x0001 = Small Fries
0x0002 = Large Fries
0x0004 = Super-Size Fries
0x0008 = Small Drink
0x0010 = Medium Drink
0x0020 = Large Drink
0x0040 = Super-Size Drink
0x0080 = Milkshake (no sizes, for sake of simplicity)
0x0100 = Hamburger
0x0200 = Cheeseburger
0x0400 = Quarter Pounder
0x0800 = Double Quarter Pounder
0x1000 = Big Mac
0x2000 = Chicken McGrill
0x4000 = Fillet 'O Fish
0x8000 = 20 pc. Chicken Nuggets

Okay, so now you want to order something simple, like a Cheeseburger, medium drink, and large fries. All you have to do is add up the values from the various columns, so you get:


Say you're a little hungry today, and to your previous order you also want a Big Mac, a Hamburger and Super-Size fries. Since you're adding these on, you add the values to the ones you had already, so it's not much of a problem:

$0212 + $1104 = $1316

Now your friend comes along and adds his order to yours. Now things could get a little complicated. He wants Chicken Nuggets, a Double Quarter Pounder, a Quarter Pounder, a Milkshake, a Small Drink, and Small Fries. The problem is that the values for individual digits exceed 9. But we are working with hexadecimal numbers, and the digits go from 0-15. So now, after 8 is 9, after 9 is A (10), then B, C, D, E, and finally F for 15. So let's add things up now:

$1316 + $8C89 = $9F9F

Basically, you're treating the four digits (I think eight in the case of the spob?) as separate adding columns, where you add the value of something when you want it. The way the numbers are spaced out makes sure no two combinations will end up with the same code.

Any questions?


Originally posted by MacGP:
P.S. I am bringing a old plug back to life. Its for fighting various ships or groups of ships to test you skills and get payed for it.(not alot). And I'm making it somewhat complex. If you have any suggestions on what you would like to see in a plug like this. Do tell


Yeah, Arena wasn't a bad idea, and it got kind of boring after a while since all you did was jump, shoot ships, jump back, reload and upgrade, get a new mission, etc. A more complex version would be nice.

Good luck, hope this helped.

Mike Lee (Firebird)

That helped a lot Firebird, thanks!

" Come up, O lions, and shake off the delusion that you are sheep. You are souls immortal, spirits free, blessed and eternal "
-Swami Vivekananda


Originally posted by MacGP:
**That helped a lot Firebird, thanks!


No problem. Knowing how to use flags are must for plug-in work in Res-Edit, though I believe Pontus's EVO Developer's Map can edit spobs for you, so you might want to use that (though for an Arena-based plug-in you probably don't need to create too many systems and stellars). If you ever have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Mike Lee (Firebird)


Originally posted by Firebird:
**No problem. Knowing how to use flags are must for plug-in work in Res-Edit, though I believe Pontus's EVO Developer's Map can edit spobs for you, so you might want to use that (though for an Arena-based plug-in you probably don't need to create too many systems and stellars). If you ever have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask.


Yes, but with flags it adds more experince to me. And it helps me understand other things much better. I studied the bits forever and now I understand them and everything falls into place.

" Come up, O lions, and shake off the delusion that you are sheep. You are souls immortal, spirits free, blessed and eternal "
-Swami Vivekananda


Originally posted by Firebird:
**You go to McDonald's...

That was the best tutorial on flags I've yet read. Very nice.

But now I'm kind of hungry.

"Your death will be the proof that Horus does not lie."
Roger Zelazny, Creatures of Light and Darkness

McDonalds makes you feel hungry? I feel ill:/

"A taco is merely a rigid, deformed tortilla."
- Thomas Castiglione
"There will be MUCH CRUSHING!"
- Pink