My idea for a TC

Well, as you can guess, I've come up with a rough idea for a total conversion, but I'm more of a writer, so I figured I'd post it up here, in case anyone with programming skills is looking for something to do. So, on with the plot.

This plug would take place in an alternate universe, ala Sliders. In the year AD 64 (or was it 66?) the Emperor of Rome, Nero, commited suicide and a civil war ensued, and after which, Rome went back to business as usual. In my plug, this civil war resulted in Rome being restored to a Republic, where the people had a say in their governing (though you could make a strong arguement that people didnt in the real Roman Republic, but this isn't the place). With its newer, more benevolent rule, the Roman Republic spread like wildfire, and technology progressed by leaps and bounds. No nation could stand in it way, except for the Chinese (my Chinese history isn't that good, so we'll just say that they, too, experience the same sort of renaissance). The two nations contested for control of the globe, and their rivalry, which would result in a centuries long Cold War, furthur fueled the fires of progress. They carried this rivalry to space, and soon colonized the planets (lets say around the 1400s).
Eventually, the two nations would delcare war, which Rome won, after many hard fought years. The Chinese empire was exiled from Terra (earth) by a now not-so-benevolent Rome, and their assets in space were seized. The refugees were consigned to the depths of space, never allowed to return to the Sol. Now Rome was free to resume its expansionist policies, and they expanded their influence across the stars. Eventually, the Romans would come in contact with their lost Chinese bretheren, who still bore a bit of a grudge (gee, who'd a thunk?). A Chinese terrorist group unleashed a powerful genetic virus, which targeted only the Y chromosome, so as to decimate the Roman military, which was predominantly male. However, the virus got out of control, and soon ravaged the Chinese as well. Much of the population in the galaxy was wiped out, whole colonies were lost, and everyone were touched. Thus began the Dark Ages. (we'll say around the mid 1700s)
Now, humanity is struggling out of that dark era and the ambitious are spreading their influence across space again. You are a recent graduate of the new space academy on your home planet, a backwater world, only recently reintroduced to higher technology by the influential Phoenicia Corporation. <Insert generic "What will you do with your destiny" line here>

Next, the major gov'ts of this plug.
Terran Republic- Formed from the remnants of the Roman Republic, which was, at the time of the plague, a republic in name only. After a short and relatively bloodless civil war, a new order was declared, and the people were again free. They rebuilt their ruined planet, and began to spread out again, reconquering some of their lost territory. While the Republic was hard hit by the plague, (side note: the vast majority of male reproductive systems adapted to the plague, so that they would be more likely to father daughters than sons, as daughters obviously had better odds of survival. While the plague has long since past, there are still many more women than men in the galaxy, with the ratio varying from region to region), it has the most even ratio of women to men in the galaxy, 5 women for every 4 men. Its capital is Rome, Terra, Sol. Their ships mainly focus on heavy armor and better manuverability, as their tactics consist of getting in fast, whethering or dodging whatever attacks are thrown at them, and winning the battle simply by outlasting their opponents.
Sinan Empire- To the galactic east of the Republic lies the militant Sinan Empire, populated by the decendants of the Chinese refugees. Suffering from sever overpopulation, due partially due to the fact that women outnumber men 4 to 1 (the men made 'good' use of this opportunity), they have decided that the best way to solve the overpopulation is the conquest of their neighbors, giving them room to spread and at the same time, lowering the population. Due to overpopulation, their society has become rather brutal, and values obedience and usefulness to your superiors, because only those who display those traits get fed. Their military tactics are basicly swarming the enemy (surprise surprise).
The Something(havent thought of a name)- Still sketchy on this one, but they are a very honorable society. They have feudal hierchal system, going from house to tribe to clan to family. They record whether a persons actions are honorable or not, and assign "points" for the actions. These points are tallied up once a year, so that the person most honorable person leads their family, most honorable family leads their clan, yadda yadda, and the most honorable house leads the empire. While they place heavy emphasis on honor, they are not warlike. In fact, they feel that war of aggression is dishonorable. While their technology isn't particularly better than others, they put so much work into their ships that they are, on average, better in qualitiy, but fewer in numbers.
Phoenicia Corporation- A large interstallar corporation that goes around helping lower tech planets reclaim their technology, so that they can remain independant of the expanding empires. The Corporations usually gets exclusive trade rights with these systems, so its incredibly profitable.
Thats all for now, tell me what ya think

"We must look forward to the future, and past- to the back,"
Dan Quayle
"If it wasn't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college,"

Nice idea for a setting, but what would the plots be? Are there any plans to make more factions? The somethings seem a little derivative of the Aurorans; do you not mind, or will there be something to distinguish them?

If at first you don't succeed, use more duct tape.

Well, as for plotline, you could help out whatever faction you join spread their influence. A key part to this plug is that most systems are independant or "uninhabited" (just too low tech to be any use to a starship captain). The Sinans would go about this mostly through conquering them, the Somethings (it think i'll call them Borelian, but it sounds like its been used before in star trek or something), mostly through diplomacy. The Republic does things either through conquest or diplomacy, since it is basicly the Roman Empire in space, they like war, but they are a fair government, so they dont want to kill off people needlessly, plus most systems around them have been contacted by Phoenicia Corporation and have decent defences, making conquering them all a little too costly.
Definately want to have at least one more major faction, so I'm open to ideas. Of course, I want to have many smaller gov'ts. One gov't I thought of is Judean Shipyards, who are responsible for most civilian warships (like the IDA frigate, or Kestrel, or whatever the Battlestar Galactica look-alike in EVO was) and they also are a kind of bounty hunter organization, like the guild.
Actually, I thought that the Sinans were more like the Aurorans, militant and overpopulated, granted, they aren't as honorable as the Aurorans. Thhe Borelians are very peaceful, and will only fight if attacked. Also, their society isnt as rigid as the Aurorans, with a strong warrior caste. There sort of a combination of Aurora and Polaris.
Also, I just came up with a brilliant idea. Change the graphics for gambling so that you're betting on a Gladitorial fight. Or, if we feel like being a little lazy, and just want to change the quicktime movie, have Vipers fight it out instead of race. Speaking of which, in thinking of ships, i've decided that Vipers, IDA frigats, and Star Liners look generic enough to be used in almost any plug, so I'm gonna make up some ships based on them.
Thats all, folks.

"We must look forward to the future, and past- to the back,"
Dan Quayle
"If it wasn't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college,"

The gladiator idea is great. Good luck with the plug; if you're looking for testers count me in.

If at first you don't succeed, use more duct tape.

2 things.

  1. I wont be able to do this plug myself, no time, not enough skill, lazy, yadda yadda.
  2. I'm gonna post info again on the EVN board, just so I'll get more imput.

"We must look forward to the future, and past- to the back,"
Dan Quayle
"If it wasn't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college,"

I think it's an incredible idea. Needs lots of good plot basis, though.

By the way, TC-makers, I am free to do graphics...


Lequis Design

I have a storyline for a thread for a potential plug-in. I'm posting here because I am not registered and therefore can't create new topics. Anyway, here is my idea.

This story revolves around the mysterious system of Kont and continues after the mission to drop a probe in that system.

...You are contacted by O'Donnell again and this time it's because the probe has discovered a tiny planet which doesn't seem very interesting but he asks you to take a team there and explore around anyway. You jump into the Kont system and scan the planet for hours and find nothing. Just before you decide to leave, a crew noticed something in a shape of a hand on the surface of the planet. You decide to land on the planet and check it out since that's about the only interesting thing about this planet so far. You later discovered that this "hand" is some sort of a damaged alien structure. You report back to O'Donnell and he asks both Fed & Auroan for funding but they both refused. He decided to approach the Polaran without much hope but surprisingly, they agreed. When you and a fleet of Polaran ships arrive back on Kont, you see that there are fleets of Fed & Auroan ships having an all out battle over this planet. You realize that the Fed & Auroan refused because they wanted the alien structure to themselves. You head back to Polaran homeworld and they sent a large fleet to hold off the Fed & Auroan while their engineers examine and repair what they realize is an alien hypergate which somehow crashed into the planet. The Polaran engineers need more supplies and materials so you take them back to Polaris space and when you come back, the Fed & Auroan decided to work together. They captured you and your crew and forced the Polaran engineers to finish repairing the gate so they can use it. The Fed & Auroan, not trusting each other, both sent two scout ships each into the gate to explore. A week later, the ships came back unharmed but without their pilots and crews. Fed & Auroan decided to ask you & your crew to go. You decided to go along since that's your only chance to escape. After arriving at the "other side", you land on the nearest planet, which has no signs of no intelligent life but is abundant with plants and animals and also strangely enough, some ruins of alien structures. Your officer notifies you that you are approximately 500 light-years away from Polaran space so you decided to stick around and scan the planet since apparently this end of the alien hypergate is damaged and doesn't allow you go back. A week later, you are awoken from your dreams of your homeworld by a red alert. You rush to the bridge and is hailed by a Nishkan ship. They claim that they've just returned from a long exploration journey and now find their homeworld to be in such shape and was hoping that you would help them to find out what has happened. You agree but told them that you can't be much help unless you can return to Polaran space. They manage to repair the damaged alien hypergate and you return to Polaran homeworld with the Nishkans. You were escorted to meet with the Polara High Council once you explained what has happened. However, on the way there, Jinulra, the capitain of the Nishkan ship, and the rest of his crew were scanning left and right and speaking in their own strange tounge. Then suddenly, they were beamed back to their ship and moments later, alarms are going off, ships taking off all over the port, soldiers and pilots running back and forth. You quickly grab someone and she said that several fleets of Nishkan ships have just jumped into the system and are attacking every ship they see. You want to help but the Polarans ask you to leave the system as soon as possible. Just when you are about to hyperjump out of the system, a small Nishkan fighter disabled your engine and you managed to disable the fighter ship and board it. You retrieve whatever data you could and jumped out of the system as soon as the engine was repaired and head for Sol. By the time you reached Earth, your translation officer informs you that the Nishkans are actually the one who destroyed the original habitants of the planet you landed on right after you went through the gate. You realize that you're dealing with an aggressive alien race here who wants nothing but destruction. You are just glad that they decided to destroy the alien hypergate which links to Kont instead of using it to travel to Auroan space and possibly eliminate mankind thousands of years ago. However, you can't help but blame yourself for leading the Nishkans here. You explain everything to the Federation and they decided to form an alliance with the Auroan to help the Polaran and expel the Nishkan.