RLE Sprite Problems

I am having problems with my RLE sprites. None of them appear in the game, except for the planets, and the engine glows/running lights. If anyone wants to try to figure this out, I have provided one of the broken sprites. (here)

Less movie, more chapstick


Originally posted by Nadir:
**I am having problems with my RLE sprites. None of them appear in the game, except for the planets, and the engine glows/running lights. If anyone wants to try to figure this out, I have provided one of the broken sprites. (here)


BrokenRLE, broken URL. I am unable to access the file.

UBBCode felt like adding an extra "http://"

Try this link

(insert random quote from web board random quote display)

Never mind, the problem was not RLE related and all is well.

(insert random quote from web board random quote display)