Progress report

Put my previous TC on a back-burner (okay, removed it from the fire completely; it was already on a back-burner.) Now throwing together a less ambitious plug just to prove to myself I can do it.

It is a small TC; replacing most resources but using three primary governments and branching plot strings that should resolve in a few evening's play. Aiming for a download of well under 10 megs.

I've rendered out about half the ships and a quarter of the spobs, and the growing design document is up to 12 pages. I am working modularly and should be able to fight some pirates by next weekend -- I'll see how I feel about the rest of it after that.

You see a Grue.

encouragement, which any halfway decent plugin maker deserves

"A taco is merely a rigid, deformed tortilla."
- Thomas Castiglione
"There will be MUCH CRUSHING!"
- Pink

INterestted in testing a new spob rendering software I'm making?
E-mail me if you are interested.

Hey, Why don't you get on IRC sometime?
(Famous Last Words #91)
Where do you want to (url="http://"")teleport(/url) today?

I'd definitely love to test it for you. (/butt in)


"And then god did come up from heaven and said, 'Do my bidding, you pitiful, powerless, weak humans! Go and spread my li... er, I mean truth, throughout the world!' And then he did laugh most evilly, and the planet of Mososuis did split in half, with one half becoming the moon, and the other half, bearing all its inhabitants, did fly into the sun. Yes." -from the Book of Relics, planet Rikka
Ever wonder if illiterate people get the full effect of alphabet soup?

You're beta is in the mail.

Hey, Why don't you get on IRC sometime?
(Famous Last Words #91)
Where do you want to (url="http://"")teleport(/url) today?