Fun with NOVA engine

I was thinking bout things that you could do with the new engine:
Bombing run mission:
*Give mission to bomb planet x. to get to that planet's surface, a small warp gate in the planet's atmospherte has been opened, to get to that gate go to system X
*That warp gate is to the planet is really to a system placed w/ the same x,y cordinates as the system containing the real planet. This system has no hyperspace routh only the one warp gate, which planetside only looks like an anomaly.
*This system has some sort of pavement/ground texture in the backrgound, and no stars (This is allowed correct?) In the system are a given number of targets (really stellars) that must be destroyed. These buildings may be armed or launch fighters.
*The system has a plethora of fighters and floating turrets (stationary ships that have forward firing guns and high turn rate.) Can Be a secondary objective to kill these (2nd mision)
*Before mission, ship is outfited with a freefall bomb rack that can hold 16 or so bombs, which can only attack stellars.
*Each building can take so many hits, then becomes a destroyed version of itself (rundown version of same building).
*To win the mission a specific or multiple buildings (stellars) must be destroyed.
*To exit the planet, you must reenter the gypergqate in the atmosphere.
*Mabey set the mission so that only certain ships can get it (must be smaller than a certain size, or capable to enter atmospheres). This can be done with NCBS quite easily.
...I may be forgeting some things, i came up with the idea 2 days ago and have only now been able to post it.

Defense Drone (not sure if this will work):
*Make a bay that launces small defense drones, fast manueverable highly shielded ships that have only an anti-projectile point defense weapon.
*Launch many of the fighters, which are told to follow the player's ship. They take primary weapons fire (can your escort shoot down missiles aimed at you?) but can't do any damage.

Well that is all i got right now, i got some others that i am workin on, but not ready to post. If anyone wants to criticise/use/ post their own ideas, please feel free, i figgre that this will be a fun way to explor engine features, so that new plugs can really claim to be full featured.


Idea for the first concept:
*Give the player an outfit that makes his or her ship inertalless for the duration of the mission, then remove it at the end of the mission. This would simulate the effects of diffrent physics planetside.

Hey, Why don't you get on IRC sometime?
(Famous Last Words #91)
Where do you want to (url="http://"")teleport(/url) today?

Great idea.


Wow, that's a good one. Me likey. Me wanty. Congrats on the idea. : )

/me taps his foot...

...well? We're waiting! Where is it? 😉

(url="http://"")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
(url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"")
(url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"")

Heh. It may be a while before I can implement this into any sort of plugin, but i may continue to post more ideas for all to use. But i will do this, if anyone has a plugin (and story) that they would be intrested in using one of these ideas in, i would be gald to write the mission/mission resources for it (if I have time,) or provide any help needed.
