Beyond debuglog.txt

OK, this one gets pretty deep...
After becoming stuck in an EVN mission string, I do my resedit/pilotlog.txt/debuglog.txt research, and it ends up that debuglog.txt contains the message:

warning: couldn't create ship for mission ID 473

I need to know how to ask the log "Why? Why can't you create the ship?"
or what other action should be taken.
Thank you!

"No, no no...not the road less traveled....take the subway. It's faster."

Cheack to make shure that ship 473 is a real ship.
Make shure you haven't overloaded the Max ships in system (64).
Cheack to see if it has the proper linkage to its sprite. (Cheack the Shan and Spin of that ship to make shure everthing is fine.)

If all these are fine, then i'm in the dark.

It's time for a new challenge.
(url="http://"")The Stars Are Fire(/url)-A TC for Ares
...And so the human race reached for the stars, unknowing of the dangers that awaited them...

There aren't more than 8 ships/escorts total in the system.
It's not ship 473, it's the ship from mission 473, which is düde type 182,
which generates one of the following ship types:

264 Raven (40%)
265 Raven;Cloaking (40%)
310 Raven (4%)
323 Raven;Cloaking (4%)
324 Raven (4%)
325 Raven;Cloaking (4%)
330 Raven;Cloaking+fast jump (4%)

Now out of the 200 times I've been in that system with the mission open, ONCE Jason Cook (frandall) was in the system (he has ship type 330 as his përs) of course, no one attacked him but me, and I got blown to bits.

and yes, the shän resources all match up for these ship types.

There must be a way to get the engine to tell you WHY it can't load the ship - resource not found, PICT not found, EVN just doens't like Ravens, etc.....

Anyone else care to take a stab at this one?

"No, no no...not the road less traveled....take the subway. It's faster."