ATTN: To those who requested graphics...

I have had a lot of issues to deal with recently, computer, family, academic, et cetera, so I am just now finished with the graphics for those who requested them. Terribly sorry for any inconveniences this may have caused. You should recieve an e-mail about this before tomorrow. As well, I am taking more requests if anyone would like, starting now-- although, I am likely going to NYC for a few days from tomorrow. I have spring break from today until...a week and a few days later, so it should not be a problem now.


Lequis Design

Damn. Hotmail has deleted one of my e-mails. DAMN. Now I don't have...e-mail addresses of.... oh well... On second thought, any further requests/replies/inquiries can be made here. Some day I'll get a real e-mail account.


Lequis Design


Originally posted by Lequis MX:
**Damn. Hotmail has deleted one of my e-mails. DAMN. Now I don't have...e-mail addresses of.... oh well... On second thought, any further requests/replies/inquiries can be made here. Some day I'll get a real e-mail account.



I requested some sstuff from you a while back. My e-mail is

How is it coming, if at all?


(Damn. Ok. Very sorry.)

Polenicus; It's, um, done. Since I was not able to easily correspond with you, and I was just in NYC for a few days...I will send you an e-mail with the attached files. Please tell me what you need to be changed.

(Microsoft, I hate you.) As for other things, I don't know what I should do about them. Ah well.


Lequis Design