need help with html

I have two images which i'd like to put on top of another image(in certain spaces)... anyone know how to do that? please??


"And then god did come up from heaven and said, 'Do my bidding, you pitiful, powerless, weak humans! Go and spread my li... er, I mean truth, throughout the world!' And then he did laugh most evilly, and the planet of Mososuis did split in half, with one half becoming the moon, and the other half, bearing all its inhabitants, did fly into the sun. Yes." -from the Book of Relics, planet Rikka
Ever wonder if illiterate people get the full effect of alphabet soup?

Try using Layers.

Ladies and Gentlemen, as you know we have something special for you at
Birdland this evening. A recording for Blue Note Records...

"Actions have reactions, don't be quick to judge, you may not know the hardships people don't speak of,
It's best to step back, and observe with couth, for we all must meet our moment of truth." - (url="http://"")Guru(/url)

how do i do that? BTW, one of the images is a counter and the other is a spinning gif.


"And then god did come up from heaven and said, 'Do my bidding, you pitiful, powerless, weak humans! Go and spread my li... er, I mean truth, throughout the world!' And then he did laugh most evilly, and the planet of Mososuis did split in half, with one half becoming the moon, and the other half, bearing all its inhabitants, did fly into the sun. Yes." -from the Book of Relics, planet Rikka
Ever wonder if illiterate people get the full effect of alphabet soup?

layers wont work in netscape or older browsers...its better just to combine the 3 images and make an image map...if you need help with that email me at

I disagree. Use Cascading Style Sheets.

Go to (url="http://"")my site(/url) for an example of how to use Cascading Style Sheets to create a layer effect. Also, you can email me at if you need some extra help.

~ M A H A Y A N A ~

(This message has been edited by Mahayana (edited 03-09-2002).)

<a href="(i)url(/i)" onmouseover="(i)overimg url(/i)"; onmouseout="(i)underimg url(/i)"; window.status='';return true"><img src="(i)underimg url(/i)"></a>

Prepare to be disabled and boarded!
(url="http://"")Inferno Studios(/url)