Bits and Crashes

Ok, I have created some missions that add onto the Turin V ones, where it is terraformed and what not. After a certain mission, Turin V is terraformed and then the new Turin system comes up on the map. In ResEdit I have made it so the new Turin system has jumps that go into Yemuro, Cygnus, and Persephone, so that you can actually visit the new Turin V. Well, when ever I jump into the new Turin system, EV crashes abruptly. Does anyone know what is going on? I have the Bits set up right, so I think its something else. Please help. Thanks.


He would, after all, be an ambassador; between the old and the new-between the creatures of carbon and the creatures of metal who must one day supersede them.
-a quote from Arthur C Clarke's short story, "A Meeting With Medusa"


Originally posted by wirehead:
**Ok, I have created some missions that add onto the Turin V ones, where it is terraformed and what not. After a certain mission, Turin V is terraformed and then the new Turin system comes up on the map. In ResEdit I have made it so the new Turin system has jumps that go into Yemuro, Cygnus, and Persephone, so that you can actually visit the new Turin V. Well, when ever I jump into the new Turin system, EV crashes abruptly. Does anyone know what is going on? I have the Bits set up right, so I think its something else. Please help. Thanks.


Check that the VisBits are set that only one Turin system will be visible at a time.

Check that the links go in both directions, that is from Turin to Yemuro, etc., and from the other systems to Turin.

Check that you have a Turin V spob correctly linked to the new system.

Check any system dudes for the Turin system to be sure they are valid dudes and that the percentages are correct ( must be 100 per cent.)

That's all I can think of at the moment, I am sure there are other possibilities.

Joe Burnette
"I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer

When making this Mission, I added two Turin V systems, one old and one new. Should I just add the new one, or keep both. This is not a TC plug.


He would, after all, be an ambassador; between the old and the new-between the creatures of carbon and the creatures of metal who must one day supersede them.
-a quote from Arthur C Clarke's short story, "A Meeting With Medusa"

Using a new spob for the existing state sounds redundant.


"Oh crap. I'm going to hell - I put the Bible next to Mein Kampf again."
-Her Holiness, Pope Jenne "Kirby" Hubbs


Originally posted by wirehead:
**When making this Mission, I added two Turin V systems, one old and one new. Should I just add the new one, or keep both. This is not a TC plug.


You will need two new Turin systems. One will need its VisBit set so that it will be visible at the start of play, with the original Turin V planet in the system.The easiest way to do this is probably to have this system visible while the mission bit that will trigger the change of systems is clear. The second system will need a VisBit that will make it become visible when the mission bit is set; this system would have the terraformed Turin V spob linked to it.

Joe Burnette
"I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer

Ok, I finally fiexed the problem. It was a combination of not setting a visbit at all for the olf Turin, and not placing the new Turin V spöb in the new Turin system. And while I am on the subject, are there any "good" guides or pieces of information on just visbits and mission bits. Most of the guides touch on them, but each one confuses me a bit more. I understand the jist of them, but need clarification on some stuff. If anyone has a good one, or knows where a good explanation/guide that is easy to understand, please tell me. Thanks for the help.


He would, after all, be an ambassador; between the old and the new-between the creatures of carbon and the creatures of metal who must one day supersede them.
-a quote from Arthur C Clarke's short story, "A Meeting With Medusa"