Graphics request

I have an interesting request for a 3d modeller out there. I am currently working on an EVO plug, Battallion, and I need some ship graphics. The plug is set after EVO and before EVC (a bridging plug), so I need some confed graphics. The ships would probably be a blend between the old United Earth boxy style (please without those awful primary colors, though!) and the curved wing design of the newer Confederation in EVC. If you have an idea or a series that isn't quite like this, or evern close, feel free to submit it. The ships definitely have to look human designed. I need:
Light Fighter
Heavy Fighter
Pursuit Craft (really fast fighter/frigate cross)
Enormous base ship type (offered to the player near the end of the Confed mission string)

If the designs inspire names, so be it. I'm open to many ideas right now.

P.S. If anyone has some altered Mirenu-type graphics, I could use those as well (they'd be more advanced then the Mirenu in EVO)

Gage Stryker
It's coming - Battalion for EVO! Current as of 02/22/02 | | v 0.1.3 | | 7.1 MB | | 24% to Beta

Although I am currently working on several Bryce projects, I will be happy to see if I can make something interesting...I am going to do some experimentation anyways, and I'll see if I can come up with something cool.


Lequis Design

methinks you have EVO and EVC mixed up. Isn't EVO after EVC?

"There is enough life on earth to fill fifty planets. Be prepared for anything."
(url="http://"")Adventure Dog(/url)

well, they are totally different games actually. the story lines are unrelated, one didnt happen first or second, neither happened in the same plot, different stories same engine.


Well, they have to be SOMEWHAT the same plotlines, they both start from the beginning of time 😛

But EVO technically takes place 100+ years before EVC. Check the in-game-date-thingy.


Lequis Design


Originally posted by Evil Penguin:
**methinks you have EVO and EVC mixed up. Isn't EVO after EVC?


If you look at the dates, EVO happens 100+ years before EVC. However, they are indeed totally unrelated. A bridging plug seems doomed to me... but good luck anyway.

(edit) Damn LequisMX and his fast posting... sorry for repetition 🙂

Who needs a belt? I have a belly! - Alex North

(This message has been edited by Mazca (edited 02-24-2002).)


Originally posted by Evil Penguin:
**methinks you have EVO and EVC mixed up. Isn't EVO after EVC?


If you look at the dates, EVO happens 100+ years before EVC. However, they are indeed totally unrelated. A bridging plug seems doomed to me... but good luck anyway.

Who needs a belt? I have a belly! - Alex North

Back to the topic...
You can visit Warlock Shipyard and take a look at the ships there.
It does not says clearly if the ships are free or not (i haven't decided yet), but from now on, they are totally free, so you can have any ones you like (the sprited ones).

I will also take advantage of the situation to announce here Warlock Shipyard, as I have never before enter this board (I always browse in the EVO Webboard), and I think this is a more suitable place for my shipyard to be announced. Lots and lots of ship graphics, some really odd (my first 3D designs from early 1998) to the latest cooler ones, classified in 4 generations attending to their age and quality. Not all of them have the sprites done, so only ask for those with the sprites done. All are FREE.


Warlock Shipyard
Ship graphics and other stuff