I'm Stuck, Extremely Stuck

I'm making a small, insignificant plug, but which I'm devoted to since its my first. Anyways, I am starting on the mission strings and I am stuck, extremely stuck, and I have been for the last two days. The mission is that your meant to destroy a fighter (dude 128) in the system 131. The mission starts at 128, and the return stellar is 128 also. When I go to the mission computer it shows the mission, where to go, what to do ect. but when I get to system 131, there's no fighter :frown:. Anyways, here's what Res-Edit shows.

AvailStel 128
AvailBitSet -1
AvailLoc 0
AvailRecord 0
AvailRating -1
AvailRandom 100
TravelStel -1
ReturnStel -4
CargoType -1
CargoAQty -1
PickupMode -1
ScanGovt -1
FailIfScan 0
PayVal 5000
ShipCount 1
ShipSyst 131
ShipDude 128
ShipGoal 0
ShipNameID -1
CompBitSet -1
CompGovt 0
CompReward 0
FailBitSet -1
BreifText -1
QuickBreif 5000
LoadCargText -1
DropCargText -1
CompText 5001
FailText -1
TimeLimit -1
CanAbort 1
Unused 0
AvailBitClr -1
AuxShipCount -1
AuxShipDude -1
AuxShipSyst -1
CompBitSet2 -1
Flags $0102

Please could anybody tell me where I'm going wrong

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I'd have to look at the actual resource files...I'm a very contextual-visual learner, so I can't entirely deduce much from this. Otherwise I can't be very helpful, I'm afraid. However, I reccommend that you check the mission rsrc especially, and make sure the time-elapse-related things are correlated properly. Otherwise you should probably use a seperate application mission editor for this.


Lequis Design

Try running it through Schmelta-V, it's a little more GUI, then take a screenshot and post it so that we can see what you are doing.

(url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/captainz")Captain Z's New and Improved Starbase of EV Stuff(/url)

I may also note that EV-Edit is the main program that doesn't work much at all. Schmelta V is pretty good, and I believe there was one released recently. These should work, I think, from my three years of plug-in design work in non-res-edit... 😛


Lequis Design

David Arthur, I think, recently released his mission editor "Mission Computer". Get the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/dl-redirect.pl/MC100Classic.sit.hqx?path=evo/utilities&file;=MC100Classic.sit.hqx")classic version(/url) or the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/dl-redirect.pl/MC100Carbon.dmg.gz?path=evo/utilities&file;=MC100Carbon.dmg.gz")OS X version(/url). (Maybe there's already an update )

Eat, sleep, eat, sleep

Thanks for the help, but I've tried Res Edit, Shmelta V, Mission Computer and (last ditch, bottom of the barrel hope) EV-Edit, and NONE OF THEM WORK :mad: :mad: :mad:. Maybe my plugs just ****ed up (sigh) :frown:.

Do you want to know my signature?


Originally posted by Zax:
**Thanks for the help, but I've tried Res Edit, Shmelta V, Mission Computer and (last ditch, bottom of the barrel hope) EV-Edit, and NONE OF THEM WORK:mad: :mad: :mad:. Maybe my plugs just ****ed up (sigh) :frown:.


My engineer dad passes on this wisdom; "Divide and Conquer." Divide the problem into the smallest possible parts you can, and test each of those.

In this specific case, I would first put the "dude" into a system, or attach him to the mission as an aux ship. If he shows up, good. If he doesn't, the flaw lies not with the mission string but with the "dude". Moving on, try several varients of the mission; perhaps "rescue the dude," "board the dude" "avoid being scanned by the dude" and see if any of those behave correctly... In all cases, use the absolute minimal code that will actually run, limiting if at all possible to tested and working code except for the item you are currently looking at. :}

everywhere else, it's --

Hmmm, thats weird. It seems the dude is messed up. As an auxiliary ship it doesn't appear, and it doesn't appear when you have to disable, board e.c.t. The only weird thing is all my dudes do this. Here's one of them.

AIType 3
Ship types 128 128 128 128
Probability 25 25 25 25
Govt 129
Booty $0040
InfoType 0

I don't understand why it doesn't work. Since when the dude isn't in a mission (IE the dud in a system), the dude shows up 😕. Maybe somebody on this board knows why this is happening.

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Actually, if I look at it rationally, Its probably the mission messing up, since they work outside the mission, and it happens with every dude. Damn. 😕 😕 😕

Oh. I just remembered. I tried to make my first mission with EV-Edit (major mistake). Even though I deleted the mission, would this mess up all further missions I try to make in my plug?
Do you want to know my signature?
Tough! 😛

(This message has been edited by Zax (edited 02-15-2002).)


Originally posted by Clueless:
David Arthur, I think, recently released his mission editor "Mission Computer". Get the classic version or the OS X version. (Maybe there's already an update )

Yes, in fact the current version is 1.2.0. It's not on the add-ons archive at the moment, but you can always get the latest version from (url="http://"http://davidarthur.evula.net/")davidarthur.evula.net(/url). MissionComputer is, however, for EV Override only at the moment.

David Arthur
(url="http://"http://davidarthur.evula.net/")davidarthur.evula.net(/url): MissionComputer and the Talon plug-in for the original Escape Velocity

WOOOOHOOOO! I fixed it 🆒. Thanks for the advice, although it was the system that was playing up, not the mission or the dude. It was such a stupid mistake too :redface: (I won't say what the mistake is in case people start pointing fingers and laughing :D)

Do you want to know my signature?

Splendid, Zax.

Don't worry about stupid mistakes, though, I've made plenty. Er, I think maybe a BIT more than that 😄


Lequis Design