Mad Max style plugin

With EVN new features it would be cool to do a complete modification of EVN to make it like a Mad Max style environment, with different cities to go to, bars, vehicles (land and air?) and upgrades. I'm not sure how it would work with controlling the vehicle, but it would be sweet.


I am Sancho

this is better for "EV Developer's corner" I would think
this is a "wouldn't it be neat too" idea....
when things like "under the new engine would this idea be possible" are better here.
this idea (land based EV) was been around since the first EV, just the way the game is played would make land based graphics shaky at most.
Then again, it seems more promising with the new control styles and animations this EV.

(url="http://"")Rogue Thoughts(/url)

I know this post doesnt belong here, but i need help- it wont let me register to the boards because my email adress has been banned- it says it wont let me use my "" email adress


Originally posted by McZ:
I know this post doesnt belong here, but i need help- it wont let me register to the boards because my email adress has been banned- it says it wont let me use my "" email adress

most if not all free e-mail services have been banned because of trolls that would cause trouble and keep coming back with new names from free e-mail servers. You should have a e-mail address that came with your net service, that should work. unless of course your at school or some such.

(url="http://"")Rogue Thoughts(/url)


Originally posted by gunhead:
**With EVN new features it would be cool to do a complete modification of EVN to make it like a Mad Max style environment, with different cities to go to, bars, vehicles (land and air?) and upgrades. I'm not sure how it would work with controlling the vehicle, but it would be sweet.



Yes, this is possible, and I could see it working very nicely! You would probably want to set all your vehicles and planes to be inertialess though...

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This would be more at home on the Dev board, hence, iMove. 🙂

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