Escort control (probably impossible)

First of all, I'd like to point out I'm a newbie to the forums.

Second of all, I'd like to point out that I have no programming or computer writing skills, (when I look at html code, my brain makes a fizzeling-popping sound 😕 .)

I'd just like put an idea out in the open for a plug the integrates a numeric pad control of an escorts movement and weapons. I wrote in to ambrosia and gave my idea to them for EV nova, but they didn't seem to like it much. ("...beyond the scope of this update...") My idea was that the sidebar be modified to include a mini-secondary weapons/ scanner to show what it was targeting. Obviously the ships couldn't be upgraded, and it would be very hard to choose which escort to control, but like I said, I have no idea how programming works.

The only thing the EV series needs, besides netplay that is, is some other form of 2 player control, so it isn't just sitting in your basement all alone blasting ships endlessly while all social skills slowly drain from your body and leave you an unemotional zombie...

Perhaps a bit of an exageration, but at any rate, it's just an idea, please dont e-mail me viruses.

insert signature here

Wilkommen Jupiter065.

No new features, especially those as major as your suggestion, have been added to Nova in over a year. While a programmer may be able to implement this without too much trouble (I'm guessing here, as I am no more a programmer than yourself), it is indeed beyond the scope of Nova and of the EV series itself. Updates to the game engine are intended to enhance the gameplay in a more general way, but without making fundamental changes to the style of gameplay, which is what your idea would entail.

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I didn't really expect Ambrosia to be able to put escort control on EV3, I know it's way to late for that, but if there is an EV4 (and I hope there is) It would definatly be a good idea. Anyways, just an idea, probably not unique, but an idea.

I actually got the idea from Kirby Superstar.

insert signature here

Sorry, but such a thing is completely impossible. I belive Nova has some sort of escort control, but not that complex. That sort of thing is really beyond the scope of the EV genre.

As for implementing it in a plugin, it'd need some new code. EV does not support code plugins, only the data changes, in other words what you see now in terms of the game engines is what it supports, no changes can be made to that.

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Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Hm. This would be very cool. I note that Kirby SS is also a cool game, and EV would be... kinda neat if it had this feature. However, it wouldn't be too hard to implement an escort targeting function or something...


L e q u i s.
"Well, er, whatever you did...I don't think it worked." - Evi


Oh well, it's what I expected. /me Goes off and playes Ares

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