Reserved ID Numbers

I am working on appendix A of my plug-in development manual, which deals with reserved ID numbers for STR, PICT, and desc resources. I've finished the STR section and I'm working on the PICT section. However, I've come across a stumbling block.
There is a maximum number of 128 outfits in EVO. That means that the ID range for large outfit graphics is 6000-6127. However, the ID range for small outfit graphics is 6101-6128. The ID ranges overlap!
Can anyone explain this?

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Your observation is correct. It's generally best to use the high ID oütf resources for non-purchaseable things (mission outfits such as the cloaking device, tractor beam, particle beam, zidagar tune-up, etc.) The situation is a result of bad planning, and is rectified in Nova (specifically, shipyard/outfitter icons are generated on-the-fly from full size images)


"Oh crap. I'm going to hell - I put the Bible next to Mein Kampf again."
-Her Holiness, Pope Jenne "Kirby" Hubbs