ATTN: People with plug-ins in developmen

About a year and a half ago, I remember a section of the EVO website that had upcoming plugins, but it seems to be no longer there. So....

I am creating a listing of all projects for EV/O/N. If you have a plug-in in development, please send me an e-mail with the following info:

Subject: Upcoming plug-in submission

Name of your plug-in.

Which game it is for

Your name, webboard name, or both. (Only what you want listed)

Your "group" (if applicable) and web page for you group

URL for your plug's info site (if applicable)

Current Status of your plug-in (when this changes, please send me an e-mail!)

Description of plug-in

URLs for any images that you want displayed, including a logo. Please note that I won't put more than a few up.

Anything else you think I should know.

My e-mail address is


(EDIT) Sorry about the typo in the topic... I'm tired 😛 (/EDIT)

The most dangerous people are the followers in positions of power.
(url="http://"")Don't Hate Me(/url) | (url="http://"")Spaceport Bar Forums(/url)

(This message has been edited by Starkiller (edited 09-02-2001).)

OK, I have put the site up. (url="http://"")http://www.danicsoft...w/upcomingplugs(/url)

The most dangerous people are the followers in positions of power.
(url="http://"")Don't Hate Me(/url) | (url="http://"")Spaceport Bar Forums(/url)

(This message has been edited by Starkiller (edited 01-04-2002).)

(This message has been edited by Starkiller (edited 01-04-2002).)

Um, you forgot to include me as a SRE developer.

And for some reason this server isn't even recognising that I'm typing in a password.

The Rift webpage link isn't linked.

(url="http://"")Rift Homepage(/url)
(url="http://"")Rift Webboards(/url)
(url="http://"")The Dark Beyond Homepage(/url)
Apparently, common sense isn't so common...


Originally posted by 21st CDB:
for some reason this server isn't even recognising that I'm typing in a password.

Er... password for what?

The most dangerous people are the followers in positions of power.
(url="http://"")EV Upcoming Plug-Ins Directory(/url) | (url="http://"")Don't Hate Me(/url) | (url="http://"")The Spaceport Bar(/url)

For his account, presumeably. Notice the thing on the side: "unregistered" Send an E-Mail to David DUnham or Andrew, they'll know what's wrong.


Originally posted by Lyra Engel:
For his account, presumeably. Notice the thing on the side: "unregistered" Send an E-Mail to David DUnham or Andrew, they'll know what's wrong.

That would make sense... I thought he was talking about my site. I really need to sleep some more.

The most dangerous people are the followers in positions of power.
(url="http://"")EV Upcoming Plug-Ins Directory(/url) | (url="http://"")Don't Hate Me(/url) | (url="http://"")The Spaceport Bar(/url)

Actually, it just started working about. Wierd...

Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
Wait a second...

Well, as many of you probably know, F2S is going to start charging soon, so I've made a temorary move to (url="http://"")http://www.danicsoft...w/upcomingplugs(/url) . However, if anyone knows where i can get free hosting without ads (yeah, I know it's a long shot), please e-mail me.

I guess this is also sort of a bump, for people who don't know about the directory. 🙂

"My guitar gently weeps." George Harrison, 1943-2001

This reminds me of Harbinger's idea . . . but if you just want a few HTML pages, I wouldn't mind hosting it for you on my shell on

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM

Um, what exactly qualifies as a plug-in in development? I'm working on one sporadically that I hope to finish... some time, but it will probably be a Nova plug-in, so that's kind of indefinite when it will be out.


Join the AS Development Team, see strange and wonderful places, meet strange and wonderful people.


Originally posted by Lequis MX:
**Um, what exactly qualifies as a plug-in in development? I'm working on one sporadically that I hope to finish... some time, but it will probably be a Nova plug-in, so that's kind of indefinite when it will be out.

That qualifies. E-mail me. 🙂

(url="http://"")EV/O/N Upcoming Plug-Ins Directory(/url)

Cool. Ok, now I just need to figure out where to start with organizing what my plugin is called, for starters... :rolleyes:


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