Düdes and MissionBits

A little help here:
I'm having some trouble with the InfoType within the düde reource. What do I put there? I want to put a quote, but how? Here's what the EV Bible AE says:


4xxx Specific advice (the last three digits of this value are added
to 7500 to get the ID of the STR# resource from which to get the
quote -- don't use 000 or 001)

WHAT!? It says 4xxx, but you also have to add the last three digits of the 4xxx?! WHAT!? It says xxx! And if I add 7500 to it, it'd be 11500! WHAT!?
Please help me! The only thing my new ships say is "Hello captain" and crap like that!

And the MissionBits are also doing me some really big troubles!
What do I do to make the mission unavailable after its been completed? I don't understand the Bit Set and Bit Clear crud! HELP!

The EV Bible really sucks - s'cuse me - in these two areas! It doesn't explain MisionBit Setting and Clearing and doesn't give any examples! It also doesn't explain the InfoTypes good enough!
Sorry, but I really hate the EV Bible for that!

"No-Hassle, No-Haggle" - (url="http://"http://Saturnbp.com/")Saturn Corporation(/url) sales policy.


WHAT!? It says 4xxx, but you also have to add the last three digits of the 4xxx?! WHAT!? It says xxx! And if I add 7500 to it, it'd be 11500! WHAT!?
Please help me!

It's easy. For example, if you enter 4050, it chops off the 4, then takes 50 and adds it to 7500, giving 7550, so the quotes are drawn from STR# ID 7550. So all you do is add the xxx to 7500 to get the STR#'s ID. The 4 isn't factored in except to let EV know you're wanting it to look up a string at all.


The only thing my new ships say is "Hello captain" and crap like that!

Okay. There are two ways to do this. The first is to refer to a specific STR# resource with your quotes in it, as I described above. The second has to do with the fact that all governments are associated with certain STR#s for their quotes. This is derived from the gövt resource's ID. For example, the Confederates are ID 128, so their quote STR#'s ID is (128-128)+7000 = 7000. The rebels are ID 129, so they are (129-128)+7000 = 7001. If you stick the right government in the düde's "govt" field, it will be associated with those quotes.

The "Hello, Captain" strings you probably want are included by default by EV/O and are drawn from STR# 6999, so if you just leave field blank to indicate "no government", the defaults are probably going to be used. Alternativly, the same quotes a present in STR# 7008 in EV, which is associated with the Merchant gövt (ID 136), so you can also force them by associating the düde with that gövt.

That was a little confusing. You can e-mail me if you want me to go over it again.


And the MissionBits are also doing me some really big troubles!
What do I do to make the mission unavailable after its been completed? I don't understand the Bit Set and Bit Clear crud! HELP!

Easy. Have the completion of the mission (CompBitSet) set a mission bit, and require it to be clear (AvailBitClear) to get the mission. When the mission has been completed, the bit gets set, and since it has to be clear to get the mission again, you won't be able to get it.


The EV Bible really sucks - s'cuse me - in these two areas! It doesn't explain MisionBit Setting and Clearing and doesn't give any examples! It also doesn't explain the InfoTypes good enough!
Sorry, but I really hate the EV Bible for that!

It is confusing at first - you sort of have to pick it up out of context. You'll get it if you hang in there. Read through the default scenarios to see what they do.


"Oh crap. I'm going to hell - I put the Bible next to Mein Kampf again."
-Her Holiness, Pope Jenne "Kirby" Hubbs


Originally posted by The Space Between:
I'm having some trouble with the InfoType within the düde reource. What do I put there? I want to put a quote, but how? Here's what the EV Bible AE says:
WHAT!? It says 4xxx, but you also have to add the last three digits of the 4xxx?! WHAT!? It says xxx! And if I add 7500 to it, it'd be 11500! WHAT!?
Please help me! The only thing my new ships say is "Hello captain" and crap like that!

The last 3 digits of this value are added to 7500 to get the id of which STR# EV should look at.
For instance. If you set it to be 4100, it will look at STR# resource 7600, and randomly select a quote from inside that resource. If you set it to 4205, it will check STR# 7705. If you still don't understand, please look for examples in the EV Data file itself.


And the MissionBits are also doing me some really big troubles!
What do I do to make the mission unavailable after its been completed? I don't understand the Bit Set and Bit Clear crud! HELP!

First. Assuming you are making an addon file for EV, you'll start at mission bit 115 for new missions.
Your first mission will have an AvailBitSet of '1115'. Thusly, it will only available if bit 115 is clear. It will have a CompBitSet value of 115. Thusly, it will set bit 115 and make it unavailable.
Mission #2 in that series will have an AvailBitSet of 115, and an AvailBitClear of 116. It will set bit 116 on completion. Continue on for your mission string, adding 1 to these values as you go.

If you need more help, feel free to post here or email me at anatole@grybs.com


God, money will do anything for you.
Trent Reznor. Nine Inch Nails, "Head Like A Hole."

Heh. Beat you to it, developer-boy.

His explanations were good, but I think my example of the mission bits would be a bit better.
Remember to start on a new bit after each mission string, so they aren't bugged so that you have to complete one string before you start the next, unless that's what you want.


God, money will do anything for you.
Trent Reznor. Nine Inch Nails, "Head Like A Hole."

(Edit: Everything I said is gone because I'm embarrased that anybody read it.)

(This message has been edited by Cafall (edited 01-03-2002).)

Nevermind. This is way too confusing. I'm going to have to have someone do the MissionBits and clearing and setting crap for me.

I have been trying to learn this Mission crud for almost seven months now. And if you ask me, that's way too long to be trying to learn something as little - but very important - as that.

This stupid thing has put me off for about a whole month! I could have the plug done by now! BUT NO! Not with my luck! 😛

Well - thanks anyway.
If you're interested in linking/setting/clearing mission bits for me, just eMail me or reply here. I'd be very gracious! If you don't, then this fabulous plug-in will never be released!


"No-Hassle, No-Haggle" - (url="http://"http://Saturnbp.com/")Saturn Corporation(/url) sales policy.


Originally posted by The Space Between:
< despair>

Have you got that email I sent you yet? Mission bits are easy, goddammit! 😛

{(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number;=9&SUBMIT;=Go")ev dev corner(/url)}
Thunder: I don't see how a pig or a tie fighter is part of the female body


Originally posted by Anatole:
Heh. Beat you to it, developer-boy.

Excuse me?


Originally postedby The Space Between:
Nevermind. This is way too confusing. I'm going to have to have someone do the MissionBits and clearing and setting crap for me.

That attitude will get you nowhere. Nobody here enjoys doing mbit/ncb drudgework; the fun is in the creativity. If you ask for someone to just be your misnbitch, nobody's gonna bite.


"Oh crap. I'm going to hell - I put the Bible next to Mein Kampf again."
-Her Holiness, Pope Jenne "Kirby" Hubbs


Originally posted by Cafall:
Wrong! The lowest unused mission bit in EVO is actually 17. 18 is used, and 19-98 are unused (If you need more unused bits, get BitMap).

I was talking about EV. If you read more carefully before calling me 'Wrong', you'd have known that. I was sticking with 115 even though there are unused blocks lower than that, because after 115 it's a string of free bits, and he wouldn't have to work around any bits used by the scenario.


God, money will do anything for you.
Trent Reznor. Nine Inch Nails, "Head Like A Hole."

Yes - I'm working with EV here.

I have sort of figured out the MissionBit clearing and setting, but I am having a little trouble.

Mazca - I sent you an eMail after that one.

Is there someoneI could send it to, then you could tell me what I'm doing wrong. It'd be way too long to explain it all - plus, you could look at what I'm trying to do.

BTW - I'm using Schmelta-V.

"No-Hassle, No-Haggle" - (url="http://"http://Saturnbp.com/")Saturn Corporation(/url) sales policy.


I was talking about EV. If you read more carefully before calling me 'Wrong', you'd have known that. I was sticking with 115 even though there are unused blocks lower than that, because after 115 it's a string of free bits, and he wouldn't have to work around any bits used by the scenario.

I apologize, and I see the sense in your method.
