Captured Spöbs

Is there a way to make a spöb already captured when it becomes visible, one that is happy you control them and won't send Bounty Hunters?

If at first you don't succeed then that's about it for skydiving.

I think you can in EVN, but not in the EV/EVO engines. Sorry.

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Originally posted by EVula:
**I think you can in EVN, but not in the EV/EVO engines. Sorry.


Um... make a planet that likes you no matter what you do (extremely tolerant), change all the dialogues to "Welcome back, Tyrant of Thrale! Please land and make yourself at home!" And create offered-in-bar, instant-abort missions; "The courier from Thrale arrives with your Danegeld. 'Take this money, Sire,' he says, shoving a wad of cash at you." To be extreme about it (to do things EVO does not normally do) have escorts floating about, or, create a ship of a unique tech level that only shows up for "hire" at that world -- for no money at all, of course. Thus, your captured populace is willing to fight for you.

A minor problem; the "offered in bar" routine would allow the player to land over and over to quickly build up cash. About the only fix is to force the player to chase the "Imperial Treasurer" around the galaxy; to make the offered-in-bar missions actual missions.

everywhere else, it's --

Kudos, Commander! That's a very creative solution to a difficult problem.



Originally posted by Platypus:
**Kudos, Commander! That's a very creative solution to a difficult problem.


Indeed. Extremely good idea...

{(url="http://";=9&SUBMIT;=Go")ev dev corner(/url)}