Query concerning Nova Tools

(maybe this belongs in developers corner, i dunno, but its nova related so i posted it here)
among novatools, is there a tool that lets you create/edit sound(snd) resources? ie can you record your own sounds into it that way? does anybody know of a good way to make good sounds and then get them into the plugin?
thanks a lot in advance!

If anyone wants to be a beta tester/pers in my upcoming TC Nova plugin, email me or check out the link below.
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(url="http://"http://clix.to/planetvortex")The Vortex Web Page!(/url) My upcoming TC plugin for EV Nova

try taking very short samples of your favorite mp3 songs.... it kinda sounds cool. as for your question, I have no idea. 🙂

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This does indeed belong in the dev corner, so I'll move it there. And no, NovaTools is a set of ResEdit editors that only edit resource values, they aren't recording tools.


Cookie @ ATMOS


As frandall just said no, so if you are interested in making sound FX look (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/webboard/Forum9/HTML/002284.html#") to this post discussing SFX editors/creators.(/url)

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