Alliance Idea?

I've wondered why the governments of the Miranu and Earth don't form an alliance to share technology and create Hybrid/modified weapons or ships.
The possibilities as I see it would be:-
- a lighter Hunter missile launcher developed with the help of sympathetic scientists from the Zidagar and the Miranu;
- hunter missiles with slight increases to their speed as well as more explosive and fuel on board, due to the reduction in the mass of the casing etc - brought about by help from the Miranu & Zidagar scientists;
- the use of modified Zidara by the Zacha - stronger armour, swivel Blaze and with modified Hunter missiles - but without the SAE.
- the development of a swivel Neutron cannon;
- the development of a swivel Blaze cannon;
- the development of lighter armour for use by the Zacha / Miranu / Earth ships;
- the development of more effective fuel scoops;
- the sharing of Blaze and Phase technology whereby the Blaze may be further developed to have a longer range, be more accurate but have a slower firing rate and the enhanced phase to have a higher firing rate and more punch but with a shorter range.
This could happen after you complete the Zacha missions, with missions to the Moon / Earth / Paaren Station, the Miranu and the Zidagar research stations (can't remember the correct names - racing to finish this before I'm disconnected).
Ships fitted with the modifications could have somewhat different colour schemes and would be seen in small numbers in certain systems.
Along the same lines - Why hasn't Earth ever shared any of its technology with the Emalgha? There could be an expansion of the Alliance to include the Emalgha after the Miranu / Zacha, Zidagar, Earth mission set began.
Just a few ideas I thought I'd share. B*****! I'll have to learn how to make Plugs.


(Mazca's Edit: Your post was rather difficult to read because there were loads of capital E's with accents on them everywhere. I've removed them. Also, don't say 'bugger', it isn't a very nice word (I asterisked it). Thanks.)

(This message has been edited by Mazca (edited 12-02-2001).)