Workin on a Plug-in suggetions are fine....

I just wanna know I'm makin a new Plug-in.

Its called Rage and Beyond a bad sequel to Clavius and Beyond.

I'm not spoiling anything to you.

Rebels owned the Confeds and they dissapeared then they get revenge with some help of the NPPK blah blah blah blah blah blah blah yapydy yap smooched your ass shmea yapper yipper yin yand

Any Suggetions plus changes on my Plug-ins (No crap about my Plug-In)

If you wanna try my Alpha version and used some changes just lemme know

When you changed some of it and send it back to me simply change the sit. to RageandBeyond(Changed)

I don't need a Mac anymore. I got a emulator!! With some add-ons with my trusty updates from my Mac OS 8.5 Disk!!!


Originally posted by Kamakaski:
Its called Rage and Beyond a bad sequel to Clavius and Beyond.

Do you have permission from the author(s) of Clavius and Beyond?

David Arthur
(url="http://"")Talon Plugin for the original Escape Velocity(/url)
(url="http://"")An Upcoming EV Override Mission Editor(/url)

I'm going to be brutally honest with you.

  1. Like David asked, do you have permission to do this? If not, well, you should...

  2. Rage and Beyond? What exactly does that mean?

  3. Your plot seems.... pointless. They disappear? And get revenge? And "smooched yer ass"? What exactly does that mean?

  4. You had better use ResEdit. If you plan on using EV-Edit to create a decent, stable large plugin, you're dreaming.

  5. No one is going to take the file from you, do all the work and send it back. You are going to have to assemble a deveoplemt group to make the plugin with you, and not just ask everyone in general to start working on it for you.

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) -- (url="http://"")The Legion(/url)

Remember that you are a unique individual - just like everybody else.

Well here are some Awnsers:

  1. Clavius Co. is gone

  2. The less known Government the "Rage" are taking the Clavius's place

  3. Clavius Station is Destroyed

  4. NPPK gets revenge becuase the Rebels were trying to destroy them

  5. NPPK were helping the Confeds to destroy the Rebels

  6. The Rebels are looking for mysterious to put the Universe back in place

I don't need a Mac anymore. I got a emulator!! With some add-ons with my trusty updates from my Mac OS 8.5 Disk!!!


Originally posted by ares1:
You had better use ResEdit. If you plan on using EV-Edit to create a decent, stable large plugin, you're dreaming.

I'm using EV-Edit A nd ResEdit. EV-Edit is for outfitting, ship makin, plus weapon makin and more. ResEdit is for setting and placing the Graphics into their right spot

I don't need a Mac anymore. I got a emulator!! With some add-ons with my trusty updates from my Mac OS 8.5 Disk!!!

ResEdit, EVedit...what you might want to look into now is "edit," period. Starting with SpellCheck, then moving up to basic grammar. My head hurts from trying to read your posts, and that does not bode well for the plug-in.

Not trying to start a flame war here; please take my comment in the friendly spirit it was offered in.

everywhere else, it's --

EV-Edit? Trash it! Now! Instead, here are some alternatives:

ShipWrite is a good, stable tool for making ships.

BitMap is an excellent mission bit checker; it checks resource files, plugin files, and EVO 1.0.2 data files and reports on used and unused mission bits. Very handy.

Movies2Sprites converts QuickTime movies into 256-color sprite and mask files in seconds. Find it under the name m2s.

govtEditor and outfEditor are handy plugins for ResEdit which make life much, much easier.

You can find all of these at (url="http://"")http://www.sutherlan...o_software.html(/url)

EVO Developer's Map is a map, spob, and syst editor. Find it at (url="http://"")http://members01.che.../ev/evomap.html(/url)

I used all these plus ResEdit to make a plugin with much the same capabilities as yours. They are all very stable, too.


(This message has been edited by Cafall (edited 11-29-2001).)


Originally posted by Kamakaski:
1) Clavius Co. is gone

That doesn't matter. If you're going to use their intellectual property, it's your responsibility to track them down and get their permission, or you can't legally do so.

David Arthur
(url="http://"")Talon Plugin for the original Escape Velocity(/url)
(url="http://"")An Upcoming EV Override Mission Editor(/url)


Originally posted by David Arthur:
**That doesn't matter. If you're going to use their intellectual property, it's your responsibility to track them down and get their permission, or you can't legally do so.


OK but I got 1 problem:

Whats the Author's E-Mail Address?

I don't need a Mac anymore. I got a emulator!! With some add-ons with my trusty updates from my Mac OS 8.5 Disk!!!


Originally posted by Cafall:
**EV-Edit? Trash it! Now! Instead, here are some alternatives:

ShipWrite is a good, stable tool for making ships.

BitMap is an excellent mission bit checker; it checks resource files, plugin files, and EVO 1.0.2 data files and reports on used and unused mission bits. Very handy.

Movies2Sprites converts QuickTime movies into 256-color sprite and mask files in seconds. Find it under the name m2s.

govtEditor and outfEditor are handy plugins for ResEdit which make life much, much easier.

You can find all of these at http://www.sutherlan...o_software.html

EVO Developer's Map is a map, spob, and syst editor. Find it at http://members01.che.../ev/evomap.html

I used all these plus ResEdit to make a plugin with much the same capabilities as yours. They are all very stable, too.


This Plug-In is for Escape Velocity not EVO so I need those for EV!

I don't need a Mac anymore. I got a emulator!! With some add-ons with my trusty updates from my Mac OS 8.5 Disk!!!


(b)This Plug-In is for Escape Velocity not EVO so I need those for EV!(B)

Ah. Okay.

(url="http://"")EVO Dev. Map(/url) Works for EV.
Unfortunately, ShipWrite has no equivalent for EV. Sorry.
(url="http://"")MissionBits Reporter(/url) is an excellent replacement for BitMap. Yes, it is compatible with EV.
(url="http://"")Movies2Sprites(/url) doesn't really involve EV or EVO in any way, it only creates a sprite & mask file from a QuickTime movie.
(url="http://"")govtEditor(/url) and (url="http://"")outfEditor(/url) are only plug-ins for ResEdit; like Movies2Sprites, they don't realy involve either EV or EVO.


(This message has been edited by Cafall (edited 12-01-2001).)


Originally posted by Cafall:
govtEditor and outfEditor are only plug-ins for ResEdit; like Movies2Sprites, they don't realy involve either EV or EVO.

Actually, both of those plug-ins are specifically designed for the EV Override data format, which is not identical to that of Escape Velocity.

David Arthur
(url="http://"")Talon Plugin for the original Escape Velocity(/url)
(url="http://"")An Upcoming EV Override Mission Editor(/url)


Originally posted by Kamakaski:
Whats the Author's E-Mail Address?

The most recent one I have is

David Arthur
(url="http://"")Talon Plugin for the original Escape Velocity(/url)
(url="http://"")An Upcoming EV Override Mission Editor(/url)

(This message has been edited by David Arthur (edited 12-01-2001).)