What's your evaluation of this scene?

I've made a 600x400 scene for a small plug I'm considering making for EVN. I'm curious as to what everyone here thinks of it. I tried my best to get ATMOS level quality here 😉


So, what do you think?? I welcome any comments, critiques, or suggestions. Thanks!

"From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken:
The crown-less again shall be king."

(This message has been edited by ravenwild (edited 11-27-2001).)


Originally posted by ravenwild:
**I've made a 600x400 scene for a small plug I'm considering making for EVN. I'm curious as to what everyone here thinks of it. I tried my best to get ATMOS level quality here;)


So, what do you think?? I welcome any comments, critiques, or suggestions. Thanks!**

I like it! My only gripe would be that it almost appears like you are trying to make an image of a planet rather than an image of a ship, and the 600.400 images are all held in the ship info dialogs. The detailing on the ships could probably do being a little clearer too...

Cookie @ ATMOS


Yes, the ships are a bit blurry. If you want the effect that they are going faster, you want it to be a sort of motion blur. I'm not sure if you can do that in your 3d app, so try photoshop.

What would this be a graphic for? I don't see a station, and you are not on the planet....

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Remember that you are a unique individual - just like everybody else.

Yeah the ships just look blurry, you don't really get the feeling of motion. The planet on the other hand is in focus. So yeah, try using another program to try and fix that . .

(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/chaosgrafix")Conwy Station(/url)
(url="http://"http://dmoz.org/Games/Video_Games/Genres/Strategy/Escape_Velocity_Series/")DMOZ's EV/O Directory(/url)

Aside from the problems already mentioned, I like it. Nice ship designs.

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I think that the main issue with the blur is that the engine fire doesn't look realistic -- engine fire is sharp (look at a fighter jet that has the afterburner on).

- Gavin Dow, upholder of truth, justice, and the American cheese.
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Originally posted by ravenwild:
**I've made a 600x400 scene for a small plug I'm considering making for EVN. I'm curious as to what everyone here thinks of it. I tried my best to get ATMOS level quality here;)


So, what do you think?? I welcome any comments, critiques, or suggestions. Thanks!

Hey, that's pretty good. Probably better then anything I could do, but then again, I'm lazy. 😉

altho some things you might try to make it look more realistic; When you render your ship(s) out, turn on Alpha Mapping (if available) and use the alpha map to do the transperency for your ship layer, and as everyone else has said, use motion blur instead of just blur. Also, Lunar Cell well do the transparecies for the atmosphear of a planet automatically. If you want the planet as a seperate layer, simply got to the layer menu, 'Layer>>New>>Layer...' then hit 'OK'.
