Quick note on Galactica

I've been bug testing, and my graphics guy has taken on a whole list of outfits and weapons that should be with the final release.

(IRISH ACCENT) I've been bug checking me feckin arse off all fortnight (/IRISH ACCENT), and so now it's all sparkly and smells of soap.

Anyway, what I mean is that Galactica is squeaky clean, and I've done 32 missions so far. That's mission strings (almost finished) for 2 governments, minor ones at that. I don't want to be too ambitious but I'm hoping for pretty long strings.

Anyway, this is just to let you know that although production has slowed down (tired, oh so tired of programming), Galactica is not vapourware yet. I'm gonna give the essential update to Draco so he can do me another 30 missions (I hope), and we should be finished in a month the latest, including testing ect.

Wish us luck, or else.
From your nice developer:
--Tsar 🙂 😛

Gav_theTsar laughs, for he has titanium nuts. -- as said on IRC #ev3.
It's only when you become really afraid of death, that you start to appreciate life. It's only when you start to appreciate life, that you really become afraid of death. I am trapped

I haven't seen you in a while. Try getting on AIM every once in a while, or even email me! Anyways, good to hear its still going strong.

If the opposite of pro is con, what's the opposite of progress?
Do not click (url="http://"http://www.funpages.com/haha.htm")here(/url). Remember, I warned you!
If you give a man money, he'll kill you and steal your money! Then he'll die and you'll inherit the money, which will become your son's money!

"(IRISH ACCENT) I've been bug checking me feckin arse off all fortnight (/IRISH ACCENT)"

EXCUUUUUUSE MEEEE ? What be you implieing my sterotype inducing "friend"

Wham!Man - The original and still the best
"The past is history, the futures a mystery. Today is a gift, that's

Graphics should be done within the week. I've been a little busy recently what with school, sleep, homework, and my girlfriend. But I'll finish them up and upload them all at once.

(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/shinigami_demon/")Shinigami's Demon: A Gundam Wing Fanfic Archive(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/spl_cadet/shipyard.html")BFSIII: Pirate shipyard(/url)
US Naval Sea Cadet Corps, Petty Officer 3rd Class.


Originally posted by Wham!Man:
EXCUUUUUUSE MEEEE ? What be you implieing my sterotype inducing "friend"


What's it to you?

I'll stereotype however much I want, bumbaka. I didn't say anything to offend anyone there. If you take offence from it that just shows how hollow you are.

Some people don't realise how much they crave being offended.

(IRISH ACCENT)Like a big feckin old lady so you are. (/IRISH ACCENT)


Gav_theTsar laughs, for he has titanium nuts. -- as said on IRC #ev3.
It's only when you become really afraid of death, that you start to appreciate life. It's only when you start to appreciate life, that you really become afraid of death. I am trapped

I don't Know exactly what you are talking about but oh well. If you want/need any beta testers just email me at sgtjager@yahoo.com


War doesn't deside who is right it desides who is left.
Jager a nice frindly pirate here to plunder your ship


Originally posted by Gav the Tsar:
(IRISH ACCENT) I've been bug checking me feckin arse off all fortnight (/IRISH ACCENT), and so now it's all sparkly and smells of soap.

Hmm, racial stereotyping and swearing. You're obviously joking so I won't do any karmaslapping, but try and avoid it. Thanks 🙂

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