Help opening 3d model

I just downloaded what I think is a 3d model of a warhammer from battletech/mechwarriors But I am not sure since I have no 3d model software. What software would I need to open .3ds model

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Originally posted by Wolfstar:
I just downloaded what I think is a 3d model of a warhammer from battletech/mechwarriors But I am not sure since I have no 3d model software. What software would I need to open .3ds model

If you don't have any 3D modelling software, then you don't have anything that can open a .3ds model, let alone do anything useful with it.

David Arthur
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Strata 3D v. 3.0.2 is what I use. It was made by 3D Studio, but the studio is expensive and the demo draws red Xs on everything it renders. Strata 3D is availible (url="http://"")here(/url), but, I caution you, it is 22 megs, but well worth it.

Where's Battletech/Warhammer shipyards? I've never heard of them.

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If you send the file to me, I could save it in a .dxf format, which can be read by pretty much every single 3D program out there. I'm using Infini-D 4.5 btw, in case you care 😛

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I got my battletech 3d models here.

no animals were hurt in the copy and pasting of this website 😉
Enjoy.. I haven't seen if all are in the same file format.

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So Jak205 thanks again for making the switch if you mailed the e-mail addy in profile it's dead.. e-mail the hotmail please..

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