Govt Independent and Legal Status

Okay, as some of you know, I'm making a Plug. And lots of people have been giving me help. I thank you all.

Is there a way to edit the Independent government without amking a new resource? (In ResEdit) Because, I noticed, in my Plug, that when you are bad with 'Feds, you're bad with Independent. Is this supposed to happen? If so, how can I change it?

And here's something about the legal status:
When I kill something like 3 Confed ships, I get a Pillar of Society legal rating with my new government, the P-Feds. (The P-Feds are allied with Rebellion, against Confed.) Does this have anything to do with the parts in Resedit when you're saying how much of a penalty smuggling, killing, etc. is? How can I make the legal status not be so... generous?

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Originally posted by The Space Between:
**Okay, as some of you know, I'm making a Plug. And lots of people have been giving me help. I thank you all.

Is there a way to edit the Independent government without amking a new resource? (In ResEdit) Because, I noticed, in my Plug, that when you are bad with 'Feds, you're bad with Independent. Is this supposed to happen? If so, how can I change it?

And here's something about the legal status:
When I kill something like 3 Confed ships, I get a Pillar of Society legal rating with my new government, the P-Feds. (The P-Feds are allied with Rebellion, against Confed.) Does this have anything to do with the parts in Resedit when you're saying how much of a penalty smuggling, killing, etc. is? How can I make the legal status not be so... generous?

This has to do with all the flags and settings and stuff about gövt tolerances and such, in the gövt flag. Read the EV/O bible to find out exactly what needs fixing in there. But really, don't you -like- being a Pillar of Society? 🙂

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM

A) Read the Bible. Now.
🆒 Independant Government has the Crime Tolerances of Government 128, no matter what. Make sure Govt 128 has the stats you want for your independant systems.


--The newbie hater--
Enlist in the Anti-Moderator holy war today, khild of Antiga!


Originally posted by The Space Between:
Is there a way to edit the Independent government without amking a new resource? (In ResEdit) Because, I noticed, in my Plug, that when you are bad with 'Feds, you're bad with Independent. Is this supposed to happen? If so, how can I change it?

Matt Burch designed EV to assume that gövt ID 128 was the galaxy's primary government, and so all independent governments have approximately the same legal system. There's no way you can change this beyond what's already been mentioned.

David Arthur
(url="http://"")Talon Plugin for the original Escape Velocity(/url)
(url="http://"")An Upcoming EV Override Mission Editor(/url)


Originally posted by The Space Between:
**And here's something about the legal status:
When I kill something like 3 Confed ships, I get a Pillar of Society legal rating with my new government, the P-Feds. (The P-Feds are allied with Rebellion, against Confed.) Does this have anything to do with the parts in Resedit when you're saying how much of a penalty smuggling, killing, etc. is? How can I make the legal status not be so... generous?

I'm not entirely sure about this, but do you have the P-Feds CrimeTol set to a low number? I haven't done a detailed study of any kind, but I think when you kill an enemy ship, the points in that ship's government KillPenalty field are subtracted from your record for the govt and added to your record with it's allies. CrimeTol will affect how many legal status points you get towards a legal rating like Pillar of Society. This may be the cause of the Alien bug I've heard of where killing a few Alien ships causes a legal rec to loop into the negative, since Alien ships have an enormous KillPenalty.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

The P-Feds' CrimeTol is 0. What should I make it? I put it at 0 so they don't take any crime from anyone. 😄

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Originally posted by The Space Between:
The P-Feds' CrimeTol is 0. What should I make it? I put it at 0 so they don't take any crime from anyone.:D

I think you would achieve something more like what you want if you set it to 1. I'm not sure, but I have a feeling setting it to zero means they don't particularly care about crime against them and really like anyone who does things they approve of.

David Arthur
(url="http://"")Talon Plugin for the original Escape Velocity(/url)
(url="http://"")An Upcoming EV Override Mission Editor(/url)


Originally posted by David Arthur:
**I think you would achieve something more like what you want if you set it to 1. I'm not sure, but I have a feeling setting it to zero means they don't particularly care about crime against them and really like anyone who does things they approve of.


Well, it's meant to mean they're really strict and don't tolerate s***! So, I should set it to 1 for that? I think that's what the Bible says.

(url="http://"")SBSoftware(/url) | | (url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) | | (url="http://"")Dirty Rat Inc.(/url) | | (url="http://"")Soda Wars - The Empire Strikes Back(/url) | | (url="http://"")Current Boozerama Bar(/url) | | (url="http://"")Between Time And Space v1.0 Alpha - Download It Here(/url) | | (url="http://"")Best Internet Game EVER!(/url) We don't know why / The Innocent die / Will any of this be the same / Will any of us be the same (url="http://"") <--The Song Here(/url)

Uh. Set it to something big, so they get a huge penalty.


--The newbie hater--
Enlist in the Anti-Moderator holy war today, khild of Antiga!

No, don't set CrimeTol to a big number, that will give them really small penalties. Set CrimeTol to a low number, like 10, and give all the penalty fields high numbers, like 100. That should yield very large penalties when the player messes with them.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Okay Mac. Thanks.

Anatole :
CrimeTol means how much tolerance they have for people that screw with them. Take, for example, when someone has a low