Saber Studios Update

Yah, I never got a response to that e-mail I sent you as well. If you're looking for a decent e-mail app try Sweet Mail. It's quick, stable and...well....pretty Sweet ! (But you have to give outlook express brownie points for having the coolest startup sound :frown: )

Wham!Man - The original and still the best
"The past is history, the futures a mystery. Today is a gift, that's

Hey Skyblade, have you gotten anything done to your site? It hasn't been updated in a while. Working on other projects? I sort of dumped my plugin to persue graphics. Are you postponing work on your site for something else? Or are you having hardware problems?

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) -- (url="http://"")The Legion(/url)

Come, fellow Americans, and let us scare the Taliban, and all anti-American bigots for that matter, into submission by putting cheap pastic American flags on our SUVs. Surely they will recoil in terror at the very sight.


Originally posted by ares1:
**Hey Skyblade, have you gotten anything done to your site? It hasn't been updated in a while. Working on other projects? I sort of dumped my plugin to persue graphics. Are you postponing work on your site for something else? Or are you having hardware problems?


I have hardly done anything with my website during the last few websites, though I have worked out a layout and such for the home page. I haven't had much time to acually build the new page yet, thanks to my G3 either being out of grabs, other projects getting in the way, or magleague. 😉 Don't worry though, I'm not dumping Saber Studios...

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon
(url="http://"")Alien Invaders(/url) | (url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

Just wondering ... although you have not done anything for your website, bow is the Confederation grahpics set coming along? The last time you posted a Confederate remake was last month & I'm realy looking forward to what you have done.

God bless,

UE Patriot

P.S. Did you get the copy of "Reign of the UE" that I e-mailed you and does it work?

(url="http://";=plugins&display;=date&file;=ReignOfTheUEv12.Bin")Reign of the UE(/url) | (url="http://";=plugins&display;=date&file;=PersonsOFTheEVOWebboardv2.Bin")Persons of the EVO Webboard(/url)
"With a Bible in my hand and a beard on my chin..." -Weird Al Yankovich, Amish Paradise