Mega-Mula Ideas

MUCH! I've been trying to figure that out for SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO long! That gives me an idea for a NEW plug... but anyway, keep sending me ideas people!

NOTE: I will not be here for 3 days, but you can still send me ideas! I'll answer them ehn I get back. Thanx!

WHAT? Nothing, not a single post while I was gone? Oh well, I guess I must do this again...

^bump^ ๐Ÿ˜‰

Hey Lyra!! Welcome back! You were sorely missed at the BB. Come on over and catch up!

Coreyล‚ (Cubed)
Are you a fan of HHGG? Play the original text adventure (url="http://"")here(/url)!

Yes, I already have. Go check it out! However... Any ideas? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Another empty day... Well... You know the drill...


STILL nothing? Grr... This plug can't lift off the ground if I don't have any engines... Grrrr....

I don't know how you could work this but one of my wishes is to come up against a fleet of defenders armed with alien fusion beams. The only way to win is to have a faster defender.

A Spisak

Why have one when you can have two for twice the price.


Originally posted by Draxo:
**I don't know how you could work this but one of my wishes is to come up against a fleet of defenders armed with alien fusion beams. The only way to win is to have a faster defender.

A Spisak

Eh, wouldn't this be much like fighting a wave of Alien Fighters? They're as fast as Defenders. Anyway, if that interests you, I suggest yo check out (url="http://"")my upcoming plug(/url) when it's finished. Believe me, you'll get to fight some waves of Alien fighters in that. I'll admit though don't have the Heavy Fusion Beam, but they'e a bit deadlier than your used to. ๐Ÿ™‚ And you will see them in fleets.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Well, I'm honored to have you as a visitor to my humble topic, Mac! Got any ideas? ๐Ÿ˜‰


Originally posted by Insano:
**I'm posting this message for Cyberdragon.

I'm creating a plug-in called Mega-Mula. It, as the name implies, will onsist of ways to give the player money.

Actually, what "Mega-Mula" implies to me is a gigantic donkey/horse hybrid ๐Ÿ˜„

But then I am perhaps overly sensitive to spelling errors.


... If anyone could give me ideas, I'd give ya credit for it...

Well, how about a series of missions to find a lost planet? You hear stories about a colony ship that went missing and was never heard from, then you hear legends about unknown ships and strange events in a certain area of space. You go from one planet to another getting a mission here and there which tells you a bit more about the lost world and its probable location, Visbits reveal more systems to explore where you get more missions and learn more about the lost planet until you find it and get all kinds of rewards from the people of the planet- probably some real high-tech ship or upgrades for your ship as well as tons of moolah.

Joe Burnette
"I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer

COOOL! I've been wanting to do a gov. plug, but that would definitly work! That won't go into mega-mula, thats real, good, 1MG plug quality! I like the lost planet idea, and I'll build off that. yep, you got it, That's DEFINITLY gonna be used. However, I probably won't release it till later, it is now at the end of a list of plugs that are on my "to-do" list. Some are done, but need clarification amd bugging, or other stuff like that. keep your eyes on the add-ons page!

Note for Everyone-

Many new ideas have just been added to MM, so it will be a lot bigger than I expected. Aprox. release date- Thnksgiving, if I can manage it.

That's Nov. 26 for all foreginers.

GOSH! Things fall down quickly around here!

Note 4 the Weekend- I hope ti do ALL of the missions people have given me so far. After that, I must create the weapons. Then, IT'S OFF TO BETA-TESTING AND READ-ME WRTING WE GOOOOOO!!!

(yes, it's me, your freindly hoster of this topic)
In short: My internet connection was down.
Also in short: Hard Drive went bye-bye. All Applications gone, but I got my documents back with Nortonย™. All proggaming tools (ResEdit, FormulaCalc, Shmelta V, etc.) along with EV itself is gone.

(A bit later...)

YES! Using the amazing capabilities of Volume Resotrerย™, I have succsessfully recovered EVERYTHING since 5 months ago. All progaming stuff still gone, but Games and 1 plug I made (Fireball) recovered. Now downloading all the stuff again...

(even later)
All proggaming editors have been downloaded. MM (the plug this topic is dedicated to) has been completly deleted, but I still have it all in my head. Will begin rebuilding soon...

(even even later)
OK, I have "made" MM again. Will work on plug this week.
Previous Release date: Thanksgiving
Current Release date: Actually, I'm aiming for Thanksgiving again. Though it may have to be put off to Christmas. Must find out if original text files were lost...

(even even even later)
Yep, Microsoft Word text files were lost. this may take longer than originally planned...

Ok everybody, excuse the long diary-like monolouge, just needed to inform you of the current status. my harddrive mught have been deleted, but my spirit (and your ideas0 weren't! I wil have MM up at it's previous status in about 2 weeks, then I can finish it off during the rest of the time. As I saidm, a release date is tentative. I hope to have it done by X-Mas at least, hopefully by Thanksgiving. Thank you all, and keep the ideas coming!


PS: As was stated before, ideas are NOT confined to missions! Anything that doesn't require really fancy graphics will work.

OK, I have a completly FREE 3-Day weekend, and I hope to start up MM again... I think our prospective release date will be Christmas.

This sounds like an incredibly trivial and ambitious project, but I myself would probably play the plugin.
e-mail me:
if you want some help or ideas.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Some graphical work of mine.......:
ล lequis software

Trivial? Please: ideas, comments, and questions on this topic only, no stupid remarks. Constructive criticism is appreciated, cynical criticism is not. Also: I would have registered in March had I had an E-Mail address. Please inform me of anything here.

RE the small plug comment- I hope to have it weigh at least 300 kilos. It will include many missions, personalities, weapons, and outfits. Maybe a ship, if I could find a good grpahics program that would allow me to make the actual image without Electronic Registration, payment, or Personal Information. Already tried Strata, Infini 3D, and Mech. Mechanisto seems to work well, but it is unpractical for desgining ship models. Some may argue with this, but I find it time-consuming.

As for the E-Mail problems- Still working on it. May have it up and running by X-Mas. Don't ask.


Originally posted by Cyber-Dragon:
RE the small plug comment- I hope to have it weigh at least 300 kilos. It will include many missions, personalities, weapons, and outfits. Maybe a ship, if I could find a good grpahics program that would allow me to make the actual image without Electronic Registration, payment, or Personal Information. Already tried Strata, Infini 3D, and Mech. Mechanisto seems to work well, but it is unpractical for desgining ship models. Some may argue with this, but I find it time-consuming.

Alright, you dragged me into it. ๐Ÿ™‚ I guess I'll help with a ship or two, if you really want them. (url="http://"")Samples are here.(/url)
As for registration, I think you can register now. I did, anyway.


Disclaimer: All claims made herein are hereby considered null and void. No guarantee of satisfaction is given, either explicitly or implicitly.
(url="http://"")3D Model Samples(/url)

How about a mission where you take over a pirate station? That could easily be accomplished with VisBits, and many different missions could branch off of it.

Who? I don't know. Do you?
Why? I don't see. Does Guy?
Where? I don't care. Does andrew?


Originally posted by Cyber-Dragon:
Maybe a ship, if I could find a good grpahics program that would allow me to make the actual image without Personal Information.

If you don't want to give out any personal information, have you tried the ancient art of lying?

For example:
Name: Boris Picnicbasket
Occupation: Leg Scraper
et cetera


woo woo woo woo
๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ mr.smiley ๐Ÿ˜ž ๐Ÿ˜ž ๐Ÿ˜ž
woo woo woo woo