Big Textures With Mechanisto

I made this texture in Graphic Converter that was 500 pixels by 500 pixels, and when I put it on my model, I couldn't see any of the details or anything. Is it too big? Do I need to make the lines in the texture thicker?

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Did you make the shader texture map or texture properties? If you did the latter, I suggest that you change it to the former.

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Originally posted by Azdara Ace:
Is it too big? Do I need to make the lines in the texture thicker?

What ares1 said; also, it depends on how big the object is. The default setting scales the map to the whole object so yes, if it's a little bitty object the map details won't show up. To fix it you can scale down your map either in Graphic Converter or with the 'v-scale' and 'u-scale' fields in the texture map dialouge box (note, however, that this latter option only works if you don't care if part of the texture gets cut off).

Yes, I used texture map(I know that much 😉 ), and I worked out the problem on my own, basically the way that Squibix said. Thanks anyways.

You would have to be ignorant, derranged, demented, or dead to turn down the oppurtunity to fly an Azdara.
(url="http://"") Saber Studios (/url)-Your source for original EV/O/N graphics. the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon

You could also just remap tectures, which should give you the detail you wanted. The image would be scaled correctly, just missing stuff around the edges . . .

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Originally posted by Jak205:
You could also just remap tectures, which should give you the detail you wanted.

Have you really seen the re-map textures transform work with a texture map? It always seemed to me that, while it works great for the procedural shaders, it doesn't do anything to any of the maps. If you know otherwise... tell me how to do it!!!


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Well I never actually used it for textures, but the concept should have worked 😛

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