Graphics Challenge

I need some custom graphics done for me, and i decided the only way to find who is the best would be a contest. So...
Welcome to Temporal's first weekly graphics challenge!
This week's subject for graphics can be seen at (url="http://"!")!(/url)
Thats right, The enterprise nx-01!
All submissions must include sprite, mask, shipyard, icon, target, and comm pictures
sent to me in pict format at! The deadline is next saturday, noon.
The winner will be announced Saturday. Please participate and show off your talent to the rest of the ev community!!

"The only reason for time is to stop everything from happening at once!"

What's the prize? And try fixing the link... I think the exclaimation point is bothering you.

If the opposite of pro is con, what's the opposite of progress?
Do not click (url="http://"")here(/url). Remember, I warned you!

Uhm... So you are asking a bunch of people to do a large amount of work for you for free, and then you will judge them and weed out the poor graphics people? That sounds like you are asking a lot from people if you aren't paying them.

I suggest asking, "Is anyone here willing to do my graphics for free?" in the humblest and most polite way possible. Just ask to see some of their previous work, instead of asking them to make you samples specifically for you to judge.

I plan to someday become a freelance graphics artist around here (much like Skyblade or Meowx). Right now I am learning 3d modeling. Ask me in a year or two, and maybe I can help you out. 😄

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url)::(url="http://"")The Legion(/url)

This sounds like fun. I've actually already made sprites and everything for this.... perhaps when I get around to it I will send them in.


All your base are belong to us.

All right, you greedy bunch of scallywags...
the prize is ten dollars (cash)!

PS: there should be no ! in the link

"The only reason for time is to stop everything from happening at once!"

Did anyone watch the "Enterprise" show last night? It had some good shots
of the ship... just keep on working on those graphics and those $10 might
be yours!

"The only reason for time is to stop everything from happening at once!"


Originally posted by Temporal:
**Did anyone watch the "Enterprise" show last night? It had some good shots
of the ship... just keep on working on those graphics and those $10 might
be yours!

Hey, did you happen to catch, in the credits, the ship after the Phoenix (Warp 1 Ship) and before the Enterprise NX-01? It had the general shape of a Star Trek Ship (nacelles and what looked like a saucer), but it had some Star Wars-style engines on the back end. Are you planning to try and artistically recreate that and put it in, maybe as a remnant ship? Could work as a derelict rescue mission.


Disclaimer: All claims made herein are hereby considered null and void. No guarantee of satisfaction is given, either explicitly or implicitly.

I did happen to see that. I thought it looked like a saber-class ship from star trek first contact, but that wouldn't make sense. And i had thought about a similar mission where the enterprise encounters a ship of cryogenically frozen bodies (ala SS Botany Bay).
good idea restorer! Now if i could just get someone to make graphics for that too...

"The only reason for time is to stop everything from happening at once!"


Posted Image

Not for you... but just showing... and it's umm... about 3-4 months old...made during summer after I saw preliminary designs of it... It's obviously not done...

PEACE YO!™ Ph33r M3(h@ni5t0

It's ok to be naked, girl... I'm an Artist...
(url="http://"")Kwanzasoft Graphics and Design(/url)


Originally posted by Kwanzar:
Not for you... but just showing... and it's umm... about 3-4 months old...made during summer after I saw preliminary designs of it... It's obviously not done...

And made in Mechanisto, correct? Fabulous modelling...

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon
(url="http://"")Alien Invaders(/url) | (url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

impressive for mechanisto! I would love it if you submitted something like that! al it needs is a little paint job and it would be ready to fly!

keep on coming with the submissions!

"The only reason for time is to stop everything from happening at once!"

I'm puzzled why you haven't just gone out and found some of the million renderings of all of these ships that are on the internet.. lets see, for example with Starwars there are about 2..million different models made by people.. just go out and look a little.



Originally posted by Iron Eagle:
**I'm puzzled why you haven't just gone out and found some of the million renderings of all of these ships that are on the internet.. lets see, for example with Starwars there are about 2..million different models made by people.. just go out and look a little.


But the problem is getting permission from them all. Of course, you usually will get permission for the creators, but the tedious part is adding the often long list of graphic contributors in the read-me. Having one or two people do graphics for a plugin is what I prefer...

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon
(url="http://"")Alien Invaders(/url) | (url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

well, the deadline has come and gone without a single submission.
the only person who came close was Kwanzar.
I'm very dissapointed in you all.

"The only reason for time is to stop everything from happening at once!"


Originally posted by Temporal:
**well, the deadline has come and gone without a single submission.
the only person who came close was Kwanzar.
I'm very dissapointed in you all.

/me is SOOO surprised... </sarcasm>

That's because you came off as wanting too much from people and at the same time, insulting them. That's why I didn't let you use my model, and that's probably why no one cared. Submit basically a free graphic for you to judge then use... heh... that's a bunch of crap... If you already have the graphics, what's gonna stop you from using them if they happened to not win. Who can trust who? You shouldn't be disappointed at all, in fact, you should be kicking your own a$$ for sounding like an insolent, moronic little punk...

Maybe you'll learn something from this... that you can't look down upon people like little paupers yet ask them for assistance at the same time... That's probably why most of the experienced graphics artists around here don't publically acknowledge that they occasionally do free work... Because of arrogant demanding cockheads like you, talented people like david, weepul, me, shadeofblue, rarely do free graphics on a wide scale anymore...

I bet MOST of you newbies didn't even know shadeofblue is a mechanisto/raydream user, and that he even made graphics...

PEACE YO!™ you live, you learn...

It's ok to be naked, girl... I'm an Artist...
(url="http://"")Kwanzasoft Graphics and Design(/url)


Originally posted by Kwanzar:
**That's because you came off as wanting too much from people and at the same time, insulting them. That's why I didn't let you use my model, and that's probably why no one cared. Submit basically a free graphic for you to judge then use... heh... that's a bunch of crap... If you already have the graphics, what's gonna stop you from using them if they happened to not win. Who can trust who? You shouldn't be disappointed at all, in fact, you should be kicking your own a$$ for sounding like an insolent, moronic little punk...


/me posts at the first reply to this topic.

Kwanzer, that's what I said... 😛

You cannot critisize free work. Ever. And being dissapointed that no one gave you anything for free? Being dissapointed that several people didn't work their @$$s off for 3 hours just to try to impress you? That really is quite arrogant, like he said. Volunteer employers should never ask for resumes.

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url)::(url="http://"")The Legion(/url)


Originally posted by Kwanzar:
**moronic little punk...

Heh, i should take that as an insult 😛

Anyway, I have done a little work on graphics too, but decided not to help you, and also, you should be really pissed off about what you did, because anyone who remembers this topic is not going to help you at all (sigh some people will never learn) In real life, this is a good way to get a punch in the face. Also, if you could have got Kwanzar to do some for you, you would have had a great plug (assuming that you didn't insult people to get them to do other parts of your plug)

like moths into a blowtorch

good job insulting everyone who would have been the least bit interested.
really, I congratulate you on your ability to piss off a large number of people at once.

"There is enough life on earth to fill fifty planets. Be prepared for anything."
(url="http://"")Adventure Dog(/url)


Originally posted by Temporal:
**I need some custom graphics done for me, and i decided the only way to find who is the best would be a contest. So...
Welcome to Temporal's first weekly graphics challenge!
This week's subject for graphics can be seen at!
Thats right, The enterprise nx-01!
All submissions must include sprite, mask, shipyard, icon, target, and comm pictures
sent to me in pict format at! The deadline is next saturday, noon.
The winner will be announced Saturday. Please participate and show off your talent to the rest of the ev community!!

very strange...I was actually thinking about setting up a contest very similar to this, making parts of the new Star Trek ship, and stuff... strange...


Yet another sensless post by CE ™
Check out (url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url) or (url="http://"")The Daedalus developers forums(/url).
(url="http://"")don't click here(/url)

(This message has been edited by Capt. Editor (edited 10-29-2001).)

It's a good thing you didn't. Look at what happened to this guy - mountains of flames, and now everybody is pissed at him. 😉

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) :: (url="http://"")The Legion(/url)
So patriotic art thee, S.U.V. owner, 5-dollar, made-in-china flag atop your Japanese vehicle, consuming massive quantities of middle-eastern oil.