Easy to use 3d prog...?

I've tried serval programs to make ships and such for EV, strata and a few others I can't remember, but none worked well for me... The best I came up with was a non-textured black ship with white lines going through it since i couldn't get it to export right. I think I'll try strata again, but are there any easy free/cheap programs that a newb to 3D could use fairly easily? Or, general tutorials on Strata or some similar program... Just can't get the hang of it.

Thanks, hope I can make my own ships for my next plug (well, only 🙂 ) and quit roaming the shipyards...

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"Mr. Napkin flies like a plane. Mr. Napkin eats cellophane. Mr. Napkin... Mr. Napkin..."
EDIT: Darg Sig...

(This message has been edited by ClosetPacifist (edited 10-13-2001).)

There's no such thing, unfortunately. The best you can do is just play around until you get the hang of things. If you mess around long enough you'll learn.

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Heh... Thanks for the quick reply, going to go find strata again... hope I can get a hang of it this time and design something that dosen't look like a big black box...

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"Mr. Napkin flies like a
plane. Mr. Napkin eats

Try Mechanisto, pretty good for $20 shareware. Just do a google search and you'll find a place to download it.

When seen from the fetid black hole which is my bedroom, time is slowed until it is infinite. Why bother doing that homework right now? You've got all eternity to do it.

Actually, mechanisto is now freeware. Some guys managed to track down the author a few years ago (the contact details included arent current) and he said there would be no more updates and that it was now considered freeware, or words to that effect.

(url="http://"http://www.damnsw.net/~triplet/forums/")Carracho Help - Updated, upgraded and better!(/url)

Or, you could just go to ftp://www.ambrosiasw.com/pub/ev/utilities...hanisto.sit.hqx . It's not the best, but I used it for, of, I think 2 years before I dicovered Strata. Go to (url="http://"http://madman80513.vze.com")http://madman80513.vze.com(/url) and click on the shipyard button for some (cruddy) samples and models.

Mechanisto is the only 3d prog I can open on my machine. I recently downloaded strata, but I can't use it. Computer keeps freezing....

Are there any tutorials on using mechanisto specifically for EV ships and/or outfits?

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Originally posted by ares1:
**Mechanisto is the only 3d prog I can open on my machine. I recently downloaded strata, but I can't use it. Computer keeps freezing....

Are there any tutorials on using mechanisto specifically for EV ships and/or outfits?


not that I know of. You should get someone to send you a model of their ship, and try and figure out what things do

You would have to be ignorant, derranged, demented, or dead to turn down the oppurtunity to fly an Azdara.

Ahh, I don't think what I used before was strata at all, or a old version. Looked at Mechanisto and I think that was one I tried... Starting with Strata now, thanks for the help!
EDIT: Wow, strata is WAY easier than whatever I used a while back. (And that stufif sig... )
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"Mr. Napkin flies like a plane. Mr. Napkin eats cellophane. Mr. Napkin... Mr. Napkin..."

(This message has been edited by ClosetPacifist (edited 10-14-2001).)