Button Graphics

HEY! I'm making ne Button graphics for my Plug-In and was sifting through the graphicsin EV to copy them to my plug... Then I came along two (four if you count the "clicked-on" green ones) buttons that I've never seen in EV. They were "Demand More" and "Back Room" Never seen those before. Anypne wanna tell me where they came from? And where to see `em at?

"The answer. . . lies beyond the horizen." ME!
(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/ev_evo_spacebetweensoftware/")Space Between Software(/url)
(url="http://"http://pub90.ezboard.com/bevevoevnspacebetweensoftwaresspaceplace")Space Place(/url)

Those graphics were created for features that were planned at one point, and the buttons stayed even after the features were dropped. They aren't used ingame.

David Arthur
I don't watch horror movies, and I don't use Windows. That's called consistency.
(url="http://"http://members.aol.com/darthur1/talon-ev/")Talon Plugin for the original Escape Velocity(/url)

Oh... Okay. Thanks.

"The answer. . . lies beyond the horizen." ME!
(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/ev_evo_spacebetweensoftware/")Space Between Software(/url)
(url="http://"http://pub90.ezboard.com/bevevoevnspacebetweensoftwaresspaceplace")Space Place(/url)

David, what exactly were those features? The buttons sound interesting and I'm betting the features would be too. And why were they dropped (if you know)?

"Veni, Vidi, Vici"
"I came, I saw, I conqeured."
Julius Caeser
Delta Force website is (url="http://"http://www.angelfire.com/games2/DeltaForceEVO")http://www.angelfire...2/DeltaForceEVO(/url)

I don't actually know, but personally I would guess they were put there by the author to confuse people like you, TSB :). They do sound like cool features, though.


The demand more button was probably for after dominating a stellar, so you could go back and demand more. It was probably dropped because the stellar would send out yet another fleet, you'd destroy that as easily as the first, etc... and it would be too hard to see how much tribute per day you recieve. Another possible use would be when ships ask you for fuel, you could demand more money than the origional offer, but was likely dropped because, well, I doubt anyone would stop to help a ship that has no influence on the game, right?

As for the back room, it was probably going to be used in the spaceport bar, and you would go into the back room to find bar missions, but was eventually moved to the bar in general.

Whether im right or wrong, it doesn't matter now, though, does it?

Prepare to be disabled and boarded!

I've never had a ship ask me for fuel... have you? Or are you just saying that that may have once been a feature?

"The answer. . . lies beyond the horizen." ME!
(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/ev_evo_spacebetweensoftware/")Space Between Software(/url)
(url="http://"http://pub90.ezboard.com/bevevoevnspacebetweensoftwaresspaceplace")Space Place(/url)

Those features sound about right to me although the only time(s) where an AI ship requested help was when a freighter was under attack.

"Veni, Vidi, Vici"
"I came, I saw, I conqeured."
Julius Caeser

ame here zhouj.

"The answer. . . lies beyond the horizen." ME!
(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/ev_evo_spacebetweensoftware/")Space Between Software(/url)
(url="http://"http://pub90.ezboard.com/bevevoevnspacebetweensoftwaresspaceplace")Space Place(/url)

Well, I don't know if requesting fuel was a planned feature for sure, actually I was just guessing 😛

Anyways, the buttons are not used in the game, so you don't need to make buttons for them.
Another button I haven't seen is the Accept Payment, which would further prove my fuel theory. Those buttons are in the Override Graphics also...

BTW, Is your plug for EV/O, or for NOVA? If it is for nova you only need 3 up pictures, 3 down, and 3 greyed out, as below...


Quote from Nova Bible:

The various interface buttons that appear are drawn on the fly. Nova uses PICT resources 7500-7502 for the left, center, and right pieces of the up" buttons, PICT resources 7503-7505 for the "down" button pieces, and PICT resources 7506-7508 for the greyed-out button pieces. Corresponding mask images are stored in PICTs 7600-7608. STR# resource 150 is used to store the text that appears on each button type.

Prepare to be disabled and boarded!

It's for EV. I don't like EVO that much. It has too much stuff like Star Trek... I guess.

"The answer. . . lies beyond the horizen." ME!
(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/ev_evo_spacebetweensoftware/")Space Between Software(/url)
(url="http://"http://pub90.ezboard.com/bevevoevnspacebetweensoftwaresspaceplace")Space Place(/url)

Since this has been asked so many times, I'll give a straight answer to clear it up once and for all...

In an early version of EV, there was a Back Room button in the bar that would lead you to what was basically just a copy of the existing Mission Computer window but filled with more "unique" missions. It was exceptionally lame, hence the thing you see now in which people come up and "talk" to you in the bar via pop-up dialogs.

The Demand More button may have been intended to have something to do with tribute or giving fuel to AI ships - I really don't remember, and I don't think any code was ever written that had anything to do with it.

Once those buttons crept their way into the EV data files, they stayed because we either didn't notice or didn't remember to take them out. Interestingly, during most of the development of Override, those buttons were gone - but sometime prior to the release they snuck back in somehow! Since the buttons are handled differently in Nova, I would hope that the phantom buttons will now be well and truly gone.

DLOG resource 4005 will probably stay, however, since I know David Dunham just loves answering email about it. 😉


"If it's not on fire, it's a software problem."

thanks Matt.

"The answer. . . lies beyond the horizon." ME!
(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/ev_evo_spacebetweensoftware/")Space Between Software(/url)
(url="http://"http://pub90.ezboard.com/bevevoevnspacebetweensoftwaresspaceplace")Space Place(/url)

Matt, thanks for clearing it up. I would have loved for the second button to remain though.

"Veni, Vidi, Vici"
"I came, I saw, I conqeured."
Julius Caeser


Originally posted by mburch:
**DLOG resource 4005 will probably stay, however, since I know David Dunham just loves answering email about it.;)

You are an evil, evil person. 😛

We make no destinction between terrorists and those who harbor them. - President George W. Bush, 9/11/01
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