The ploting and structure...

I'm not bashing here, merely getting feedback on an opinion.

To me, it felt like the plot if PoG was really really slim, short, and shaky.

I agree with the introduction, and it lead me to believe that the following parts of the game would be in that style. Instead I was left mostly with dialogue. It seemed that the writter of the storyline felt that just because the character is onscreen when there is a dialogue box means that all of it must be in present tense.

The only time I really didn't see this was perhaps when I used a tent.

It may be that I had high expectations for a game with a well structured plot and backround having come from the entire Escape Velocity Series to PoG.

EV, for instance, wouldn't assume that just because a player went into a "bar" for a mission that the intro dialogue must be set in the bar. Many times the intro or exit of a mission would encompass the player being in many more places than a simple bar or landing dock.

I'm not saying this should be EV. I am though comparing stratagies to what Ambrosia has taken toward their different games (Yes, I know, different people developed different games but ultimately doesn't Ambrosia put their name on it too?).

It just felt really off to me that, for instance, everytime the hero mentioned the sea giants he said "Evil" with it. It sounded a bit like a child story to me.

Again, not bashing. Its a good concept, but I just felt the follow through came up short.

Any other comments/opinions?

Will Beta Test decent me via E-mail.

The story for me was just an excuse 😛
It was kingdom in danger from monsters, save it. It did not have a ton of twist and turns. It was a game that you could remember what was going on if say you left it for a day or two. The missions and present tense kept me going from point to point in which I knew would sooner or later lead me to the answer that would save my kingdom.
The agument for some past tence would be mabe why my character, living in this kingdom did not know the history of it. Like haveing to learn about the giants turned to pillars and ancient clans. So you would mabe have a sent goal in mind like "Find the magic of your ancestors in hopes of stoping the sea giants...but while your at it, warn the other towns since you know they wont have a prayer of a chance if the kingdoms own castle was so easily taken over." Other then walking around blindly first asking more petty human soldiers (that would be toothpicks for the sea giants, and you would be full on aware of this fact since you lived through it) for help saveing the homelands.
Although walking around blindly has its charms.

Ecky- ecky- ecky- ecky- pikang- zoop- boing- goodem- zoo- owli- zhiv'
Now lobbest thou thy keyboard towards thy monitor, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it.
Rogue Thoughts: reorganizing for a new season near you.


Originally posted by Dash:
I agree with the introduction, and it lead me to believe that the following parts of the game would be in that style. Instead I was left mostly with dialogue. It seemed that the writter of the storyline felt that just because the character is onscreen when there is a dialogue box means that all of it must be in present tense.

Mr. Dash,

This didn't bother me all that much, I must admit. I agree with the simplicity of the plot; it all boiled down to "Evil threatens the land, go find it and defeat it." But then in that boiled down form, a majority of games out there are the same, heh. Anyhow, no, this really didn't bother me much. I was bothered more by the spelling/grammer/punctuation errors in the dialog.


I'm not saying this should be EV. I am though comparing stratagies to what Ambrosia has taken toward their different games (Yes, I know, different people developed different games but ultimately doesn't Ambrosia put their name on it too?).

Just remember though that Ambrosia did not write the EV series nor PoG. Ambrosia published both of these games. Matt Burch wrote the EV series, and the company Beenox wrote PoG. Ambrosia probably had some influence in both sets of games, but they did not write either series.


I'm not bashing here, merely getting feedback on an opinion.

And you certainly don't sound like bashing. I can't say that I entirely disagree with your opinion, but as I mentioned already, it didn't really bother me all that much. Perhaps it is because I have two children(8 & 10) and the simplicity of the game allowed them to enjoy it also. It is rare that I find games that I can enjoy that are either suitable in content or in difficulty so that they can enjoy it also.

Thanks for sharing your opinion. 🙂

"But soon, soon, soon... the world will be a better place, with meadows and bunnies and fiber optics in every home..."
- Tom Dowdy, Apple Computer
(url="http://"")PoG Walkthrough and Compendium(/url) | (url="http://";=PoG_Dev_Tools_Source.sit")PoG Dev Tools(/url)

(This message has been edited by Stark Bledfast (edited 08-22-2002).)

Thx guys. I just wanted to know if it was just me.

I kept saying I wasn't bashing because many times I have a problem portraying an idea or opinion without an aggressive contrast saying something like "Then stop playing the game n00b" etc...



Thx for the feedback.

Will Beta Test decent me via E-mail.