what happened to the frozen heart guy?

where ever did the guy who made frozen heart and femme fatale go? those are the best plugins i have played-at least frozen heart is.

The new veteran- or is it the veteran newbie?


Originally posted by Squooshent:
**where ever did the guy who made frozen heart and femme fatale go? those are the best plugins i have played-at least frozen heart is.


Martin Turner is currently the mod for the EV Developer FAQ.

(url="http://"http://bbspot.com/News/2001/03/perl_test.html")Test Shows 99.99% of High School Seniors Can't Read Perl(/url)

oh. is he making another plug-in?

The new veteran- or is it the veteran newbie?


oh. is he making another plug-in?

Mr. Turner has time and again expressed plans to write a new version of Frozen Heart for EV Nova. It would have a lot more missions than the original, and he might (might, mind you) use Nova's char resource to allow you to play as various people from the storyline, such as Lars, Jasta Hela, Mordillo ("The Hawk"), and maybe even as Alana. I don't know much more than that, and we probably won't hear too much about it until awhile after Nova's released. I, for one, am absolutely beside myself with excitement and anticipation over the possibility of this project.



so am i. i still play it for fun, tho ive beaten it 5 times or so

The new veteran- or is it the veteran newbie?

Flip, that's more times than I've played it through.

I've got about 300 MB of stuff ready for the new version, so it's probably about half done (don't worry, the download will be a lot smaller - most of the 300 MB will be left on the cutting room floor).

From what I can understand from the pre-release Nova Bible, I have a lot of work to do to exploit the Nova resources, so don't expect anything coming out rapidly.

To be honest, I still don't undestand how some of the resources work. I'll also want to play Nova a lot to understand how to stretch the resources in different directions.

Anyway, between politics, fencing, setting up a recording studio, my wife, and the few hours a week when I actually go into work, I shall have to burn the candle at both ends to finish it in anything like reasonable time.

Thanks for your appreciation anyway. It's always encouraging to hear people enjoyed the games.



M A R T I N • T U R N E R

I agree, Frozenheart is the best plug ive ever played. Unfortunately I havent been able to finish Femmefatale because of some problems in finishing the 3 lost freighters misson (the "another lead" part I believe. That was awhile ago, and now that pilotfile is deceased and emptytrashed away, but ill have to play that again.

Oh, by the way, I also made (and when im bored, stilll do make) models of spaceships with legos. Ill have t make them into plugins one day, the last medium freighter I made looked pretty cool.

Anywho, Great work, keep it up!



Originally posted by hoodystarpilot28:
Oh, by the way, I also made (and when im bored, stilll do make) models of spaceships with legos. Ill have t make them into plugins one day, the last medium freighter I made looked pretty cool.


Hey thats a great idea. A plugin made with state of the art lego graphics. 🙂

(url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/thorprime")NovaBurst Home(/url)

Oh, wow, Im impressed, you use dumb irritating sarcasm.

The reason I was making a reference to lego ships is that the tachtionic fighter from frozenheart was based on a lego model he made as a kid, if I remeber the manual/readme correctly. And I dont mean it would LOOK like legos if I made the plugin, just that it could be inspired by the ships I made, much like the tachtionic (am I speelin it right) fighter.

in conclusion: "Why must you make dumb comments for no reason?"



Originally posted by hoodystarpilot28:
**"Why must you make dumb comments for no reason?"

1: I wasn't sarcastic. I meant replacing the standard EV graphics with legos would be an interestingly fun thing to do.

2: Why must you jump on someone who is trying to say "hey, you gave me an idea". Weather or not I was kidding shouldn't have been relevant.

if i had a digital camera i wud do that. i have huge fleets of Lego and K'nex ships. it might be a good idea...

The new veteran- or is it the veteran newbie?

I've already experimented with non-standard graphics for EVO. At one point in the past, I had a partially completed plugin that used scanned-in paper airplanes as sprites. I'm currently working on a different plugin with one of my friends - all the sprites are hand drawn with colored pencils, then turend into spďns. it actually looks pretty good, although if my current record continues the plug will never get finished. Lego wouldn't be a bad idea.



1: I wasn't sarcastic. I meant replacing the standard EV graphics with legos would be an interestingly fun thing to do.

2: Why must you jump on someone who is trying to say "hey, you gave me an idea". Weather or not I was kidding shouldn't have been relevant.

Sorry Buddy. I was in a bad mood that day and there was a misunderstsandin. I know I shouldnt let my mood affect my post, but hey...it happens 🙂 again, im sorry.

But you gotta admit, it did look a bit sarcastic 😉

Legos Pfhorever!
