I'm testing the OBW levels and...

...I tried to load "Circuit City" and I got this message: "The Requested BG tileset could not be loaded." What's going on??

"Plummet Summet" is very cool. The snow in the ice levels look really neat, too.

Chack out an awsome shareware game, MacBrickout:(url="http://"http://www.leapfrogsw.com")leapfrogsw.com(/url) I made the Mania Levels!


Originally posted by cat99:
**...I tried to load "Circuit City" and I got this message: "The Requested BG tileset could not be loaded." What's going on??

"Plummet Summet" is very cool. The snow in the ice levels look really neat, too.

You have to download the backgrounds and edit them in. Here's the instructions Burnum gave me. If I can do it, anyone can.

Download graphics from: (url="http://"http://www.frontiernet.net/~pschaaf/obw/levels.html")http://www.frontiern...obw/levels.html(/url)

Download ResEdit

Make a copy of FW's Backgrounds.
Open the original in ResEdit
Open the downloaded with ResEdit.
Copy the PICT resource. (Click on the ICON above the word 'PICT' and press copy.)
Go the the FW's Backgrounds and press paste.
Save FW's Backgrounds.

When you play OBW files use this new FW Background file. When playing norm levels, use the file that you copied before hacking it in ResEdit.

Stephen ż' (The Burnum Man)
Play Ferazel's Wand? Download Equity Of Redemption! - A New Ferazel's Wand World


Delusions of Mediocrity also needs extra graphics. DL them here. (url="http://"http://www.frontiernet.net/~pschaaf/obw/files/bobBGTILES423.sit.bin")http://www.frontiern...ILES423.sit.bin(/url)

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Is Dubya thinking of eliminating the death penalty, or just being hypocritical about abortion?

It didn't work!! Do I need to use a seperate Background file for the two levels?

Chack out an awsome shareware game, MacBrickout:(url="http://"http://www.leapfrogsw.com")leapfrogsw.com(/url) I made the Mania Levels!

In the next revision, I'll make the process easier.

Measuring energy in kilowatt-hours is as stupid as measuring distance in knot-seconds.