PoG Dev Tools V2.0 Source Code released

PoG Dev Tools V2.0 Source Code has just been uploaded to the (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/games/coldstone/addons")Coldstone Addons page(/url).

What is PoG Dev Tools V2.0?

PoG Dev Tools is a compilation plug-in designed to make developing plug-ins for Pillars of Garendall a whole lot easier. The features include:

A navigatable kingdom map:
Posted Image

A navigatable caves/crypts/special locations map:
Posted Image

A handy keydown event that will relocate your PoG test character to whatever coordinates on the map that you wish to visit.

A handy keydown event that will display the overhead map without the fog of war, with two options: map only, and map with player location and all NPCs(aggressive and passive).

A handy keydown event to quickly reference whatever cave/crypt/special location you wish to learn about. It lists what area map the cave entrance is located, as well as how the various maps fit together.

Why was PoG Dev Tools released as source code instead of as a plug-in?


From the PoG Dev Tools readme file: **
I am releasing the source code to this plug-in for 2 primary reasons:

  1. It is my intent that others create plug-ins for PoG so that the community benefits. If these Dev Tools will aid others in the creation of plug-ins then we will all benefit. By releasing the source code it will also enable developers to tweak and tailor the dev tools to their own creations, thereby facilitating their development process. Also, it is my hope that some developers will make additions to the dev tools and release those files as addons(ie, dropping the events/locations/whatever into a folder and uploading it for the rest of the community to download and drop into our copy of the dev tools).

  2. I really do not like cheat plug-ins, and would rather the dev tools not be used as one. By releasing the dev tools as source code instead of as a plug-in, those looking for a quick cheat will have to: download the source, download Coldstone, and then read enough to learn how to compile a plug-in from plug-in source code. Developers will already know how to do this, and if this process gets a few people familiar enough with Coldstone to compile the plug-in, who knows, maybe they will realize making plug-ins isn't too hard and they will make a few of their own!**

How can I get the PoG Dev Tools?
Once the file is made available, just head over to the (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/games/coldstone/addons")Coldstone addons page(/url) and download it.

Any other questions?
Yes. Got Dev?

(edit) Fixed bad ubb call. Bad ubb! (/edit)
"But soon, soon, soon... the world will be a better place, with meadows and bunnies and fiber optics in every home..."
- Tom Dowdy, Apple Computer

(This message has been edited by Stark Bledfast (edited 07-28-2002).)

Fix it on the CGE board, too, and maybe you'll regain your deflated reputation. šŸ˜‰

If passion rules reason, how can you allow only reason to rule you? Only Celchu knows the answer...
Ā— Cafall

Hurray!.....A thing.....I don't get it.....But I don't have Coldstone either.....And I have too many periods.....


wow that sounds pretty decent, and i just checked out yer walk through and compendium thingy, it is absolutely awesome! How did you do it?



Originally posted by shortness013:
wow that sounds pretty decent, and i just checked out yer walk through and compendium thingy, it is absolutely awesome! How did you do it?

Mr. Shortness013,

Thanks for the kind words. šŸ™‚

As for your question, I'm not sure if you are asking how I made the compendium or how I made the Dev Tools.

The compendium was something I made a while back when it was a slow day at work. Having answered a bunch of the same questions within a span of a few days, I thought it would be easier and more convenient if I just wrote up the common questions and their answers, and then when someone asked the question I could just refer to my little write-up and cut and paste a response. As I started doing this I thought a walkthrough would be a better thing, so I changed gears and wrote it from memory. Things I couldn't remember I either searched through this web board for the information, or takled to other PoG people. I posted the first revision on the web and immediately afterwards I began receiving requests to put up more information. And it keeps growing and expanding. I won't guarentee 100% accuracy(heck, I've found a few errors on it myself that I need to fix... heh), but it does look nice. šŸ™‚ Anyhow, that was how the information was gleaned; my memory, web searches, and user input. The web page was made with straight html, inputted by hand in a VI editor because I think html programs are "cheating." Or, maybe I have a masochistic streak in me... I dunno.

The Dev Tools just took grunt work. They were developed with the Coldstone Game Editor as all plug-ins must be. I created teleportation events for every area in PoG, as well as every dungeon in PoG. I'd guestimate that I have in the neighborhood of 20-30 man hours in the dev tools. I'm probably low, but I'll cry if I think about it too hard... hehe. However they are done, and I'm happy with them. And if anyone wants to use them and isn't happy with them, well, they have the source code so they can make themselves happy with them. šŸ˜„

I hope that answers your questions sufficiently.

"But soon, soon, soon... the world will be a better place, with meadows and bunnies and fiber optics in every home..."
- Tom Dowdy, Apple Computer