New Plug-in; just read

A while ago I posted a message asking for help on a plug-in, since no-one decided to help me I embarked on my own and it is going quite well. Here are some screenshots and some pictures.
(url="http://"")http://www.geocities...alienattack.jpg(/url) (url="http://"")http://www.geocities.../new_target.jpg(/url)
The graphics are in the beta stage but the plug itself (missions, governments etc..) are going quite well.

Again, if someone wants to help please post a reply.

Wham!Man - The original and still the best

your links dont work

before, we scraped along like Rats on the ground,
but now we can soar like Eagles!
Eagles on PogoSticks!

they just don't work externally. hit enter when it gives you the error screen (or reload, or retype the url; anything to get it to load while you're on their server). about the plug, i'd offer to help, but i'm quite busy between school, work, random programming, and a little work every now and then on the tc i'm working on. some advice, though: get used to people ignoring your requests for assistance. over the years of seeing people announce big and wonderful projects, and then having them disappear, people here have become wary of any new announcements. this leads to the disheartening of new developers, which leads to plugs being announced and then dropped, which propagates the cycle further. the ones who keep the flow of plugs from disappearing are the ones who ignore the apparent total lack of interest and go on alone anyway. eventually, when you're close enough to being done that you don't need any help, people will decide the project has potential and offer their assistance. in the meantime, keep going and don't give up (feel free to call me a hypocrite at this point; it's possible to be a good teacher even if you can't follow your own lessons). much luck to you

if you find yourself in bed with a raving lunatic, don't worry: looks can be deceiving, it's probably not me

Good but on the first pic, the human ships look strangle like the Frieght-Hauler and the fighters look like small mauruders from the EVO plug f25. With different colors. Did you use them for the base design?

A Spisak

Why have one when you can have two for twice the price.

The Graphix Situation is as follows : I want to use EV ships that actually look like the original ambrosia designs and since that is quite impossible in Mechanisto I am using free graphix (such as the Grand Novice EV ships, Independent 2 and 3). The targets I designed myself and I think they look quite well with the new interface (ripped from evo plug interface enhancer). The governments are all done and I'm doing the dudes and flets as I go, about 15 missions done, all systems done, some spobs, all spob graphix, all landing graphix, ALL alien ships and outfits/weapons done. Most human ship and 3 outfits, 1 weapon.
VERY interesting storyline but It would ruin it if i said it now, only for beta-testers and helpers.
The storyline is something along the lines of this

-What of this new age ? With all of our arts and sciences we are still the only sentient species who fight among themselves - Simon Vilain, 2312

Escape Velocity - New Beginnings

Welcome captain, to a new universe of opportunity, a new period in which the bohemoth copororations have started to spread their spheres of influence, to a period where the Anglo-Corporation Rebellion is starting to match the Confederate Navy ship for ship, attack for attack, a period in which the cydonians and lethians have stopped their petty squabbles and have formed the anti-pirate group known as "The Sickle", a period of prosperity and exploration.

But welcome also to a period of unease, a period in which alien and human pirates have started to organise themselves into a formidable navy, a period in which the "human" super corporations are enslaving other sentient species and forcing them to work in their mines and factories, a period in which a single person's influence could make such a difference

Welcome captain, to a new beginning...

Wham!Man - The original and still the best

My suggestion: always use REAL screen shots, not pasted together ones. Looks good, though! GN's ships look really good with the original EV ships.

(url="http://"")Meowx Design Studios(/url)
Graphics. Games. And more...

Heheh, an expert if ever I saw one Meowx ! Unfortuantly Snapz Pro...disappeared thanx to Jorinn. At the moment though all those ships featured ARE implemented in the plug

Wham!Man - The original and still the best

Good days work done:

Rebel Escort Carrier completely implemented (Even escort carrier missions) New graphix (url="http://"")http://www.geocities...cortcarrier.GIF(/url)

Confed Dominator completely implemented (dude,flet,pers etc..). New graphix : (url="http://"")http://www.geocities...mman2000/CD.GIF(/url)
(note: I know it does not look very Ev'ish but it has to do with a new type of armour that the confed are making using minerals and slavelabour from the Jodians (new race) and it all interconnects with the storyline.

Atinoda Panther/Krydanti Pegasus partially implemented

bugs fixed (out of memory bug)

fished up some old pics and slapped them on the web, prolly not suitable for EV but just some eyecandy (mechanisto) Made by myself
(url="http://"")http://www.geocities...n2000/alien.gif(/url) (url="http://"")http://www.geocities...000/cruiser.GIF(/url) (url="http://"")http://www.geocities...n2000/prev1.gif(/url) (url="http://"")http://www.geocities...n2000/prev2.gif(/url) (url="http://"")http://www.geocities...000/speeder.GIF(/url)
I leave you with a desc for a new fighter by Atinoda :

The Panther is a hard ship to define, it's is a cross between the classes of corvette and heavy fighter, being small but packing a huge punch and being more than a match for any fighter the Sickle or Confederate Navies have ever produced. Since Atinoda policy dictates no questions be asked of potential buyers the Panther is often seen escorting merchant convoys - or attacking them .

Wham!Man - The original and still the best

Confederate Goliath more or less implemented

Rebel Ships more or less implemented.

Jodia systems pretty much done

Wham!Man - The original and still the best
I took a course in speed reading recently and read War and peace in 15 minutes. It involves Russia - Woody Allen

Ok, Krydanti Pegausus is implemented and so is Krydanti Explorer. Centuri spacelines VIP transport missions and some new rebel missions finished, I'll need some beta-testers soon so if you're interested please e-mail me at

P.S. I'm having serious problems with fighter bays (i.e. I'm not able to create them) does anyone know of a guide ) ?

Wham!Man - The original and still the best
I took a course in speed reading recently and read War and peace in 15 minutes. It involves Russia - Woody Allen


Originally posted by Wham!Man:
**Ok, Krydanti Pegausus is implemented and so is Krydanti Explorer. Centuri spacelines VIP transport missions and some new rebel missions finished, I'll need some beta-testers soon so if you're interested please e-mail me at

P.S. I'm having serious problems with fighter bays (i.e. I'm not able to create them) does anyone know of a guide ) ?


your plug sounds great, i am not all that good at plug making and would probably not be able to help much but i would be glad to help in any way i can.

Well the number one guide I would suggest would be EV/O bible depending on the platform of your plugin. Any other question about that kinda stuff email to and I'll help you out as best I can.

AOL/IM: IonStorm332
Gameranger: Ion Storm

Is your Confed Dominator based on Empire's Confed Battleship? It appears to be so.

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

It's actually a free graphic used in the plug Empire under the name Confederation Dominator.

+ New vocal talent by Patrick Delahanty to be included in plug ! (As soon as I get his permission)

Wham!Man - The original and still the best
I took a course in speed reading recently and read War and peace in 15 minutes. It involves Russia - Woody Allen