A new Mech. Guide?

I have had several years of expirence with Mechanisto, all of it I tought myself. The one Mechanisto guide that I know of is not very informative IMHO. I would be willing to create a new guide, but only if people here would still use it.

If there is support, models you have made could be helpful in writing the guide. I would probably use them (and my own) as examples ect. Any sample would probably be nice if the next two questions are answered with yes.

Would this be helpful? Are there still people who have great difficulty working with Mechanisto?

Silent Night, a plug-in for Nova, will feature a small, unique galaxy. With only three races, I will be able to change the galaxy to my hearts desire. To help me finish it faster, I will not be slowed down by making ship graphic- I will use the ones from Nova.
Approving someone else's work is not the same as creating it yourself- Bill Watterson, Author of Calvin and Hobbes

YES (for both questions)! I just downloaded mechanisto, and i would LOVE a guide that is specifically designated towards EV. Please make it!

OK I might make one sometime before the end of the year- depending on school and when Nova comes out.

Silent Night, a plug-in for Nova, will feature a small, unique galaxy. With only three races, I will be able to change the galaxy to my hearts desire. To help me finish it faster, I will not be slowed down by making ship graphic- I will use the ones from Nova.
Approving someone else's work is not the same as creating it yourself- Bill Watterson, Author of Calvin and Hobbes

Help with Mechanisto would be greatly apreciated. I bothered a bit with it, but could get no good work out.


Can it export to POV-Ray (or maybe even 3DMF) format?


Unfortunately,Mechanisto cannot export to either of those,or to DFX format.
It can,however,import DFX models,although it takes some time.

Get some."-Me