UC Gundam plug-ins

(In response to the Star Wars topic; the G-Franchise is much more evolved, and (url="http://"http://www.kiwi-us.com/~atushi/pw/non/non4para.mpg")more deserving(/url) of Mac users' attention!)

I plan to make a UC Gundam total conversion (One Year War to second Neo-Zeon, if all goes well). My plans for it aren't exactly set in stone, and I don't have much experience in ship design (the resources, not the graphics!), so any help would be appreciated.

The job would get done a lot quicker, too. 😄

So then..... Who's with me?


The problem with a Gundam plug is that the hand-to-hand would be hard to do. Beam Weapons? Plus, the Gundam plot only takes place in Sol, between the Sides and Earth, so it wouldn't have quite the right feel. But, if you pull it off graphics-wise it should kick @$$.



Originally posted by lwood:
The problem with a Gundam plug is that the hand-to-hand would be hard to do. Beam Weapons?

Limited abilities, but I'll make it work. I forgot to mention I was going to use EVN.......


Plus, the Gundam plot only takes place in Sol, between the Sides and Earth, so it wouldn't have quite the right feel. But, if you pull it off graphics-wise it should kick @$$.

I'll spread it out over several dozen systems. If neccesary, I'll also "guard" passage to "Earth" with a specialized entry point system.......heheheh.......

As for the graphics, I'll be using PatchDance and POV-Ray, so it'll be pretty cool.


That movie you linked to in the first post is awesome, but could you explaing to me what's going on? Char is in the battleship Yamota and then he's trying to kill some hello kitty dolls who turn rabid?

](http://killeous.boltpages.com<br />
I) I don't know why I put this...ok I do but whatever.


Originally posted by NTiOzymandias:
**and I don't have much experience in ship design (the resources, not the graphics!), so any help would be appreciated.

I'de be willing to help you sort out any resource problems/questions/creation.
Drop me a line at (url="http://"mailto:thorprime@mac.com")mailto:thorprime@mac.com(/url)thorprime@mac.com


Originally posted by Yorick:
That movie you linked to in the first post is awesome, but could you explaing to me what's going on? Char is in the battleship Yamota and then he's trying to kill some hello kitty dolls who turn rabid?

Ah, the Non-chan movie. Sorry. I don't know what's going on myself; I'm hoping to subtitle it when my Nelson's arrives.

I do know, however, that the main character (Non-chan) has something to do with the creator's dead cat...... @_@()



Originally posted by ThorPrime:
I'de be willing to help you sort out any resource problems/questions/creation.
Drop me a line at mailto:thorprime@mac.comthorprime@mac.com

Hey NTiOzymandias, I've got some suggestions for you. A few years back, I was working on a Gundam plug and it was going REALLY extensive with many, many, many weapons, outfits, ships (mobile suits and conventional warships), and had it all planned out. The only thing that it really needed was graphics. I gave up on it before I finished coding it because I lost interest (and I got busy with school). Anyway, hand to hand combat is kinda easy (if cheesy), and all I did was found a map of sol (well, more like the Earth system) and made jump points all over the damn thing. So instead of having "systems," I had waypoints that served as midpoints and other things. That allowed long chases of ships across systems, and transits along the earth's surface. For hand to hand combat, simply make a weapon that looks like a fist or whatever and just make it go a really short distance. It would be like punching an enemy. Anyway, if you wanted to finish up my plugin (It's only for EV, but I suppose that it's an easy port to EVO if you wanted), I'd be willing to give it to you (as long as you credit me). It's 0083. That's all I have to say about that.


Originally posted by crippledpidgeon:
Hey NTiOzymandias, I've got some suggestions for you. A few years back, I was working on a Gundam plug and it was going REALLY extensive with many, many, many weapons, outfits, ships (mobile suits and conventional warships), and had it all planned out. The only thing that it really needed was graphics. I gave up on it before I finished coding it because I lost interest (and I got busy with school).

.............. That happens a lot. @_@()


......all I did was found a map of sol (well, more like the Earth system) and made jump points all over the damn thing. So instead of having "systems," I had waypoints that served as midpoints and other things. That allowed long chases of ships across systems, and transits along the earth's surface.

Exactly what I was thinking. However, chases would require some complex mission-writing due to the fact that ships are generated randomly each time you jump into a system (rather than being "tracked" by the computer).


Anyway, hand to hand combat is kinda easy (if cheesy)........ For hand to hand combat, simply make a weapon that looks like a fist or whatever and just make it go a really short distance. It would be like punching an enemy.

Doh! And here I was ready to abandon the infamous Heat Hawk...... Your suggestion has made a world of difference.


Anyway, if you wanted to finish up my plugin (It's only for EV, but I suppose that it's an easy port to EVO if you wanted), I'd be willing to give it to you (as long as you credit me). It's 0083. That's all I have to say about that.

Sugoi! I'm trying to stick to non-continuity-busting units and weapons (ie none of those super-overperforming MS from 0080 and 0083 that can run circles around the Nu Gundam :eek: ) but it would be extremely helpful to have something to work from. Thanks.

(This message has been edited by NTiOzymandias (edited 08-30-2001).)