A question about fighter bay manipulation...

I wanted to create a plug-in using mobile suits (fifty-foot-tall "giant robot" vehicles for the space-faring military) from Zeta Gundam as fighters. HOWEVER....... One of Zeta's distinguishing features was the ability of its MS designs to transform, sacrificing maneuverability for raw speed (and sometimes the added bonus of atmospheric flight and/or reentry). Since actual transformations in mid-battle would require changes to the EV engine, I was going to settle for multiple fighter bays with common ammo types; players could buy one Asshimar, for example, and then launch it in either mobile suit or mobile armor mode.

I can't do that by messing around with the AmmoType field, obviously....... Could I somehow use the "outf" resource's ModType2/ModVal2 fields to pull it off?


I believe the ModVals allow one OUTF to do two things (such as a combination escape pod/auto-ejector), but the OUTF does both things -- it doesn't allow the user to choose between them. I think what you propose is impossible, but I am not at all an expert on OUTFs. If I am wrong, then I hope someone is kind enough to correct me.


No, I'm talking about having two separate fighter bays that use the same kind of ammo to launch different ships. This is easy to do with rocket launchers and such; set one weapon to use its own ammo, and the second to use ammo from the first, and then make one of them homing or something. You still have to buy both launchers separately, but they use the same kind of ammo, so if you use up all your ammo for one of the two, you can't fire the other one.

And yes, I know I went into too much detail, but I wanted to be completely clear.

Anyway....... I was thinking maybe I could assign two ammo types to the same OUTF resource. Does that work?


Basically, you cant do that. The weap decides the graphics shown, not the outf, so even if you had two using the same ammo the ship would be the same. As for actually sharing ammo, I think EV has a bug that stops this, but I'm not sure.

As for the second, I dont thing and outfit can have two weapons. Try it though, it may work.

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Er.......Ack. I forgot to mention I was doing this in EVO. Does that help things?


modval2 can't be weapon or ammo, so that way doesn't work, and ammo type is only processed as -1 vs not -1. in other words, you can't have one ammo type for two weapons (though i think this is finally going to work in nova). you could, however, make three bays- one which launches the base version, one for the base version which launches the modified version and destroys the launching ship, and one for the modified version which launches the base version and destroys the launching ship. the problem is getting the ai to hold off on it until you want it to switch (b/c the ai usually launches its fighters as the first thing it does in combat)

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Originally posted by nighthawk:
modval2 can't be weapon or ammo, so that way doesn't work, and ammo type is only processed as -1 vs not -1. in other words, you can't have one ammo type for two weapons (though i think this is finally going to work in nova). you could, however, make three bays- one which launches the base version, one for the base version which launches the modified version and destroys the launching ship, and one for the modified version which launches the base version and destroys the launching ship. the problem is getting the ai to hold off on it until you want it to switch (b/c the ai usually launches its fighters as the first thing it does in combat)

Hey, cool idea. It's better than mine....... But I don't think that method would allow the fighters to return to the parent ship after they "transformed."

Wait a second, it won't work anyway. The AmmoType field is used to define ship types for fighter bays. Kuso.


Never mind the whole thing, I can do it in EVN; according to the bible, there's no change in the problems that we already outlined, but there's a feature that lets you animate ships before and after hyper-jumping and visiting planets (which is when the transformations would be used). I'll take that route.
