Simple Graphics

yes, yet another boring graphics program topic, but I need a graphics program to do simple changes to sprites, to do minor changes to the ships.
Any suggestions?

If anyone needs a story guy to help with a plug-in, i can help: mission breifings and description for outfits, ships, planets etc. e-mail

Hmm... if you want to tweak the sprite images themselves, you should look at GraphicConverter (cheap), or Photoshop (anticheap), or something in between, like Photoshop Elements (the successor to Photoshop LE). The latter two can be purchased at (url="http://"") and GraphicConverter can be found at (url="http://"")

If your sprites are rendered 3D images, you might want to consider editing the 3D model itself (if you have it) using whatever modelling program it was created with. I suspect you'd get better results that way.

I calculated the odds of this succeeding versus the odds I was doing something incredibly stupid... and I went ahead anyway. -Crow T. Robot
(url="http://";=Just+Games&number;=60&DaysPrune;=20&LastLogin;=")Just Games(/url), because wasting time is a beautiful thing

I found a program for my needs, Painter! (an old MacFormat CD, May 98 i think)
I just need to change some of the colours on ships, so I can make a govt's ships all the same
All the ships i've got are sprites

+ I have got Photoshop anyway

If anyone needs a story guy to help with a plug-in, i can help: mission breifings and description for outfits, ships, planets etc. e-mail

(This message has been edited by Arazon (edited 08-15-2001).)

Photoshop should do a superb job, assuming you know what to do with it.


if I could find a tutorial for Photoshop I would use it, but it is far too complicated for what I want (i will probably change this attitude quickly)

If anyone needs a story guy to help with a plug-in, i can help: mission breifings and description for outfits, ships, planets etc. e-mail


Originally posted by Arazon:
**if I could find a tutorial for Photoshop I would use it, but it is far too complicated for what I want (i will probably change this attitude quickly)

Well if you aren't using it; you could always give it to me 😉 (I don't happen to have $600, so I'm stuck in a non-photoshop world)

(url="http://"")Test Shows 99.99% of High School Seniors Can't Read Perl(/url)

nah, you wouldnt want it

(This message has been edited by Arazon (edited 08-17-2001).)